To run or to invest in a dvd program.......



  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    you will get better results with running if you have a lot to lose
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    Most guys love watching chicks run so I bet most of them are drooling over you anyway. :)

    somehow I don;t think that would be the case, lol
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    I pretend I'm invisible and it works pretty well! :laugh:

    :laugh: - i'll have to find my invisibility cloak, lol
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I am doing and loving the "Brazil Butt Lift" from Beachbody. It is a full body workout, but it concentrates on the core, hips, legs and booty a lot, but there are workouts that focus on your upper body too. I just did the "Scultp" workout, every muscle in my upper body including under my arms was sore, it was amazing. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I pretend I'm invisible and it works pretty well! :laugh:

    :laugh: - i'll have to find my invisibility cloak, lol

    i've called Harry Potter and he's ready to return it to you! :wink:

    actually I run on a park path where there are other people running and you'd think that would be intimidating, but it's nice to not be the only one running. the only time i don't enjoy it is when i do a lunch break run and forget that there might be a PE class there - teenagers running at light speed!! but even they don't laugh at me - or if they do the speed of sound is too fast and i can't hear them! :laugh: :laugh:
  • countrygirl_717
    You could totally do both! I'm not a runner myself - No room for a treadmill, and I can't run outdoors in my circumstances. But I do own TurboFire and LOVE it! The calorie burn is amazing and I'm getting great results. I think doing that combined with running would burn some mucho calories!
  • nimmi1302
    nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
    I would say run, since that is my 'happy place to be' as well. I am no fit 41 yr old either, but when I run, I really don't have a care in the world. If you choose an activity you love, you are more likely to stick to it. So definitely run!
    Start slow . As the others have said, the Couch-to-5-K program is wonderful. If you get injured, seek help from a sports medicine doc right away. If your ankles hurt, maybe you need better shoes- check out 'running stores' in your area, where they analyze your gait and suggest the best shoes for you. I usually go to my local Fleet Feet store.
    That being said: You do need to crosstrain, and dvd's are a great way to do that.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I got pretty far doing C25K on a treadmill, but eventually I just couldn't stand being indoors, especially since I live in San Diego. As of very recently I'm doing runs outside...there's a nice little lake in my neighborhood that people walk and run around. I'm a fat 40 year old non-mom...who cares? It feels good to be outside, breathing fresh air and motoring my body around. I love it :) I have done DVDs and classes and tons of stuff and all I've ever really wanted was to be a runner. Make it happen!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Get out there and run! Believe me, NO ONE seeing you will think "look at that chunky lady running"... they will think "You go girl!" and maybe you will inspire them!
    Look into a Couch to 5K plan to get you started. It will get you going and give you little goals- you don't have to go out and run a mile (or even half) the first time out! It gets you alternating running and walking. I did this 3 years ago and I've never gone back! I was out there with my stop watch huffing and puffing along at first!
    But when I can't get outside or to a gym I do 30 day shred or various other DVDs. There are a ton On Demand on cable.

    THIS ^^.

    I know when I see people like me running, I'm inspired. I just want to go up to them and congratulate them and cheer them on! I'll also throw my chips in with the C25K crowd. I started not being able to run at all and I'm now on week 5!
  • my3kidos
    my3kidos Posts: 19
    You can do both. I run and I do p90X. Also going to get insanity to do this fall. Keeping a variety in my workouts keeps me from getting bored. I would really love to squeeze in a few gym classes as well.