The wedding dress/ Instant gratification

edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
Often times I have looked at myself in the mirror and wished that workouts provided instant gratification. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could just work out for a few hours before a big event and be tiny?

I especially felt this way on my wedding day..You see, when I was dealing with wedding stress I ate my feelings. By the time the big day arrived...I had gained so much weight I barely got laced up into my dress. I was so stuffed into that and the spanks that I didn't even enjoy my day. I couldn't breathe and forget eating. The whole time I kept thinking what the old Italian ladies must be saying.

There are many reasons I was unsatisfied with my wedding but I figured It would be fine as I was marrying the man of my dreams and that's all that mattered right?

Not too long ago I decided that once I lose all this weight and keep it off my husband and I will renew our vow in a much more relaxed setting.I want barefoot backyard shenanigans. I want to take my wedding photos without worrying about what angle will make me look thinnest. I want to truly enjoy my day with my husband without feeling insecure. I want to rock that wedding dress the way it was intended to rock.

Also, it was reallllly expensive so why not wear it again? My wedding was less than 2 years ago so it is still current :)

So anyway the reason I tie this into the instant gratification thing is that I know that it isn't ever going to happen. I have to work hard every day...not just a few times a week.

However, the weight loss I experienced this week was kind of like a taste of instant gratification. My body thanked me and showed me what I can do. I know the changes won't come so quickly..but I also know the harder I work for the long haul the more amazing i will feel when I get that dress taken in and take the wedding pictures I had hoped for.Most importantly..when I can renew my vows with my husband and not worry if I look fat while I say them :)


  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    me and my hubby discussed the exact same thing this morning, we will be renewing our vows when i hit my goal weight, but i'm getting me a whole new dress :D
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