I just can't say no and stick to it

I had perfectly planned out my meals/snacks for today and told myself i wouldn't cheat. However, all of that flew out the window when my coworker kept begging me to go to the buffet. I told her over and over no, I'm not strong enough to battle the buffet. She eventually won me over...needless to say instead of me eating only 374 for lunch I'm sure I was well over 800 calories. I was proud that I didn't eat myself sick, which is what I normally do at the buffet. I just need to be surrounded by support because I'm not strong enough to say no to food.


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,242 Member
    I know it sounds rude, but after saying no several times and giving your reason why tell you coworker to bug off. They are just being rude. The other option is to simply say you wanted to enjoy a meal with them and they are ruining it by badgering you to eat the buffet so you will leave and eat somewhere else. I can't believe they were so rude as to keep insisting you go eat at the buffet.