why is my weight/body doing this???

iv been dieting for almost a yr.. anyways..the scales are doing such weird things..

sunday morning i wake up after eating 1500 cals and working out for a 1/2 hour weighing 127.

monday morning i wake up after eating 1800 cals and working out for 1/2 hour weighing 128

tuesday morning (today) i wake up after eating 2,000 calories and NO working out AND I WEIGH 126.5.

somethings not makin sense here.. im so confused on what i should be doing.. im so tired of my weight changing so much.. tomoo ill prob wake up 128 again.. aye aye aieye. what do you think i should be doing? eating how much? working out? im gettin soo frustrated! stats- female 20 yo 126.5 lbs 5'5

****people are saying its normal for this to happen everyday.. but let me adddd that this has been going on for 3-4 months now!! .. and i want to get down to 120 for the ones who asked. thx:)


  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    First off, it's normal to see weight fluctuations from day to day when you weigh yourself daily. For some people (myself included), daily weighing is what keeps them motivated. That being said however, I don't stress over a couple of pounds anymore. That has only come about in the last couple of months though.

    I initially lost 72 pounds (from 197-125), gained about 22 back, and have lost 10 from there, and would like to lose 5-10 more.....but truly, I am happy whenever the scale is under 140 at 50 years of age, 5'6". Could I tone and firm up and be happier? Of course, but I'm a walker, and not much into anything else for exercise. I'm so much healthier than I was five years ago, it is almost unbelievable.

    You are truly at a healthy weight right now, so just enjoy! Tone and firm up if you want, but don't worry needlessly about more pounds coming off.

  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    Seriously? Two pounds is changing SO much? Our body's fluctuate daily, a couple of pounds up or down is normal.
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    I'd suggest weighing yourself once a week and stick to it. Choose a day and weigh yourself in the morning naked before anything to eat or drink.

    good luck
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I just gained 2 pounds after I finished my 32 ounce nalgene of water.
  • pearlsgirl96
    Everything everyone posted is true. But also don't forget that working out (even cardio only) can improve muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat does. You could be gaining muscle when you work out and losing muscle when you don't. ................ Muscle is good because the more you have the more calories you burn, even while your body is at rest. Just make sure to feed your muscles properly by eating enough calories.