back work outs?

hello im i love to work out but my one problem area.. is the bra line... the women will hear me about that.. how so i get rid of that horrible bra fat line.. i hate it sooo!!!!


  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    If you google "back exercises", this will give you lots to chose from.
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    HAHA! I call these my devil wings because they certainly aren't heavenly enough to be angel wings :)

    I worked out with a trainer and asked him about this area as well. He had me do the following:

    Holding hand weights, bend forward from the waist with harms hanging down. Bring your elbows up while squeezing your shoulder blades together until the weights are touching the sides of your chest. Keep your stomach tight the whole time. Do 4 reps of 15, or however many you are comfortable with.

    Hope this helps a little :)