Do you volunteer or do charity work?



  • CallMeMamaBoo
    I'm an assistant cubmaster for my son's cub scout troop, and I tutor ESL at the local library. Tutoring gives me a lot of perspective and my students and I know each other well enough to give each other support and encouragement in our "real lives." It is SO rewarding.

    As a mother to 2 daughters, I've often thought about getting involved in our church cub scout troop to familiarize myself with handling little boys. I have 5 nieces and not much experience with boys. If I ever have another child and it turns out to be a boy....I'll be so clueless!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I work with my local humane society and Georgia's Right To Life. I have also worked with Operation Christmas Child and that is by far one of the most touching things I have ever done. I hope to go back and be able to work at a distribution center again. I have also worked with pregnant teens and young I was one myself. The stigma of having a child in your teens is hard as I tell them and have them tell others is 'I chose to have sex, I choose to have this child, and I refuse to have an abortion'. I have always worked with at least 2-3 charities at a time...I can't help but feel happy when I can help someone out. Just knowing that I can put a smile on someones face makes me smile as well. If I'm having a rough day I sit back and remember that there are others out there that have it so much worse than I...and I need to be thankful for what I have and try to give what I can. Also, I work in childrens church as a teacher and do VBS each year, lol.
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    I work with my local humane society and Georgia's Right To Life. I have also worked with Operation Christmas Child and that is by far one of the most touching things I have ever done. I hope to go back and be able to work at a distribution center again. I have also worked with pregnant teens and young I was one myself. The stigma of having a child in your teens is hard as I tell them and have them tell others is 'I chose to have sex, I choose to have this child, and I refuse to have an abortion'. I have always worked with at least 2-3 charities at a time...I can't help but feel happy when I can help someone out. Just knowing that I can put a smile on someones face makes me smile as well. If I'm having a rough day I sit back and remember that there are others out there that have it so much worse than I...and I need to be thankful for what I have and try to give what I can. Also, I work in childrens church as a teacher and do VBS each year, lol.

    That is what it is all about. It keeps life in perspective. You are an inspiration. Keep up the 'good works'.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    You guys absolutely amaze me!!! Kudos to all of you!! I wish I had time to volunteer more then I do. I always feel so horrible because all I am ever able to give is money and I know it helps but sometimes an extra pair of hands or a shoulder to cry on is worth more then thousands of dollars. I hope to retire early so that I can spend the biggest part of my days doing some sort of volunteer work!!!
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    I recently stopped my volunteer positions because I'm almost done with school and needed the extra time to kick butt on my grades.

    I was a receptionist in my church, I worked with the media department at my church as well. We broadcast live on the net every Sunday, so that was a really cool experience to be behind the scenes. Plus, I ran a small group ministry for Vegans and other health and eco-topics.

    Now that I'm almost done with school, I'm looking to volunteer at a hospital. I'm going to do that more for the experience than for the charity because it will help me get experience in the medical feid, which is what I'm in school for anyway.

    But I'm also looking forward to getting my Vegan group back up and running. I'm going to do it independently this time, not through my church. I'm planning to get the group involved in community gardening and brining fresh foods to peole in need, rather than canned and boxed goods. Plus I'd like to tackle some animal rights stuff and political stuff that I was limited with when I was running a church group.

    I'm also an esthetician. I'd love to offer skincare services to women in shelters. I'd also like to go into local back to work programs and help people prepare for interviews by teaching them to find good clothes at closets or thrift stores. Plus teaching basic makeup and stuff would be really fun and probably de-stressing for people who are out of work. (I know, I've been out of work for a while and I wish someone would give me a free makeover. Thats why I want to do it, if I would like it, someone else must like it too.)

    I'm almost done with school, and all of that is going to happen asap!

    Great thread! Thanks.