I need help... how do you do it???



  • katemarjoram
    I was at a function the other night with a set menu. I ate my entree which was pretty healthy (fresh prawns and salad). When the main arrived it looked delicious - a chicken breast stuffed with cheese and spinach - but I also knew it would also be super calorie dense so I cut it in half and gave half to my boyfriend who wasn't so impressed with the beef dish he had been served. When dessert arrived I ate half then gave the other half to BF who had a few mouthfuls of his and then polished mine off. If you don't have someone else's plate to put stuff onto I still find it helpful to divide what is put in front of me (if it is unhealthy) and to push part of it to one side.

    I agree breakfasts out can be a real undoing. BF and I have been on holidays and went out for breakfast the other day - everything on the menu looked super high in calories and fat. The place we were at also had a sandwhich bar so I asked for a ham, cheese (1 slice), tomato and spinach toasted sandwhich, no butter, on multigrain bread - a much healthier but still yummy option. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask the wait staff if there are healthier options available.

    Finally, if I am going somewhere where I know the food will be unhealthy I try and eat a healthy snack beforehand so I'm less likely to be starving and to overindulge.

    I have found that over time it gets easier and easier. I am now 3 weeks in to my current weight loss push and I'm not missing a lot of things nearly as much as I was in the first week.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    I can hear your guilt in your writing. :) Been there, done that, my friend. Here's the thing: the weekend is history now. It sucked, but IT'S OVER NOW. You can't change it, right? Time to move on.

    Take all that energy you're putting into feeling guilty and make it work for you. Go take a walk. Start drinking water, and I mean A LOT of water, to help you feel less hungry. The next time an opportunity to go out to eat comes up, look on the web to see if nutrition info is available and decide ahead of time what you're going to have. Then stick to your plan. If the restaurant doesn't offer something healthy that sounds good, don't go. Or eat before you go, and have a salad. Crave some fast food? Try Kentucky Fried Chicken's grilled chicken and green beans ... it's great for me, anyway.

    I started MFP about 6 weeks ago, and in that time, everything I think about eating has changed. I cleared my cupboards and fridge of the bad stuff (community food pantries will take a lot of it) and started shopping for fresh food over boxed, lots of fruit, some veggies (not my best thing, but I'm getting better), and leaner meats, like 97% lean hamburger and 95% lean ground turkey. They make great burgers, esp. with a little light mayo, some 2% cheese, all the lettuce, tomato, onions and mushrooms I want. Add a whole grain bun, and you've got a tasty burger that won't blow your day.

    You have to get your head in a place where you're ready for this. We're talking life change, not diet here. You've taken great steps forward; now you just have to keep going. Some days you'll slip. Sometimes days will go by without losing a pound, and you might even gain a few back now and then. The best thing about this is, every day is a fresh start, and a new opportunity to succeed.

    You can SO do this!
  • mlwestlake
    mlwestlake Posts: 19 Member
    These things happen.....dont worry because it might discourage you to stop your program. Everyone is right, start over today.
  • timmy2strikes
    timmy2strikes Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning everyone… today is a new day. Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement and support. I did much better with my eating yesterday and as soon as I got home from work I did my hours worth of working out. My roommate made burgers for dinner and I wrapped mine in lettuce instead of using a bun and when he decided to make caramel pecan rolls at 9:00 at night I went to bed to get away from the temptation. This morning when I opened the fridge there they were. I grabbed my milk for my cheerios and forgot all about the rolls. I even packed myself a healthy lunch.

    Thanks again to everyone and YES… TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    Roommates with carmel pecan rolls sounds fairly irresistable!!! I'm pretty sure the scent of them baking would wake me from the deepest slumber..so good job with that!

    I have definitley been in your shoes, the weekends are always so tempting! when it comes to food. If I try to not eat anything bad though, I end up in a bad mood and yearning for all that food! instead I just induldge a little, and try to control myself so that I can still enjoy my food!!! Good Luck! i know I need some too :)
  • georgiaym
    You will always have those weekends, and I think that's part of life. The important thing is to have fewer bad weekend and more days where you are eating right. Stay focused on the goal and you will achieve it over time. It may take more time if you're binging on the weekend, but try to make better choices in those cases. Have one bad food instead of eating all of them. It would have been fried chicken for me and I would have left the mashed potatoes out. mmmm!