need help figuring calories burned

Options today i did 35 minutes on an elliptical asked for my weight/age and i entered it. After the workout it said my average heart rate was 160... and at highest point was 170. It said Calories burned 311. When i enter elliptical through the mfp app it says something like 560 cals im not sure which to go with. Same deal with the stationary bike..i did about 17 minutes and it said i burned 85 cals(though it didnt ask for weight/age) but its much higher when i enter it in the app. Id like to be as accurate as possible...i do have a cheap heartrate monitor but theres no chest strap...its just like a watch and it showed about the same hr as the elliptical when i was on it. So confused :(

Ps: please forgive typos, posting from phone :)


  • fallenexoh
    You should go with the calories on the machine, MFP is just a guesstimate. The machine will always be more accurate :)
  • Loggerwife
    I agree, the machine is always more accurate and I would rather err on the side of caution, I always use the lower amount of calories burned. Good Luck and God Bless :happy:
  • littlefili1
    For the most accurate calorie count, get a heart rate monitor watch with strap. I have a Suunto T3. I use it everytime I work out whether its lifting and/or cardio. There are lots of systems out there that are simple to use (T3 not so simple). Make sure you have one that enters your age, height, weight, and sex. With the heart rate monitor strap, it calculates your pulse and translates the information into calories burned more accurately based on YOU. Without your demographics and accurate heart rate, you will only get approximations. Good luck.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    In order not to cheat myself in the long run, I always go with least amount; if I am burning more, than yippee! Your goal is to lose so do everything to make that happen.
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    Just remember that if you don't put in your age and weight, it is always much lower. I use a heart rate monitor and it is usually at least twice what the machine says. It is the only truly accurate way to monitor calories burned. The only problem with using the lower amount of calories is that if you don't eat enough calories in your day, your weight loss will stagnate. Since I have started using my HRM, my calorie intake has increased because it gives much higher numbers, and my weight loss has increased. I have gone from 1 - 1.5# per week to 2.5 - 3# per week.
  • yates01
    yates01 Posts: 9
    Yeh i do the same as "HOLTON" go with the lesser amount, that way if you have burnt more its just a bonus!! This is the way i used to do it.
    I bought myself a heart rate monitor 2 months ago and i have to say i think it was the best purchase i have ever made!!! i use it every time i workout, and not only then!! i even out it on when im vaccuming or gardening just to see how many calories these everyday activities burn.. you'd be amazed at the amount you burn up doing housework!!
    For anyone who is on a calorie counting regime i would definitely recommend getting one.
  • redrunnr
    redrunnr Posts: 4
    you should get a heart rate monitor and calibrate it to your body. the machines are genetic. they don't know how fit or unfit you are and just go by the average.
  • btgoodman
    i have a heart rate monitor - it comes with a watch and this strap you wear around your chest - it's the BEST purchase i've made recently so i definitely recommend buying one for yourself. i use it every time i work out and it tells me exactly how many calories i've burned. BUT i also know that you burn around 100-130 calories after running on the treadmill or elliptical for about 10 minutes so hope that helps!
  • redrunnr
    redrunnr Posts: 4
    i meant generic not genetic sorry
  • redrunnr
    redrunnr Posts: 4
    i love my heart rate monitor. i love watching the calorie count go up