Red wine helps or hurts??

edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
OK so recently i read an article that said alcohol can slow you metabolic rate by 73%. My question is that does this include a glass of red wine? I have previously read that red wine can actually contribute to a smaller waist line. In moderation of course! I am really dedicated to my fresh new start. So I guess i am just curious if any of you know how the alcahol in red wine might be different than that in liquor?


  • While I am not extremely knowledgeable on the subject, I have read that IF you can keep it to just one glass of red wine per day, there are a lot of benefits. This is as a result of the antioxidants present in wine. You will get similar benefits from dark chocolate (in moderation) and green tea as well (and plenty I'm sure I am missing).
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I was told that 4 oz is ok.

    Personally, I gave up drinking all together. I want to lose weight more than I want that drink.
  • Hmm good to know. My husband is determined I have a glass of wine tonight for some reason. I asked for a lime and he kept saying wine!. I was like fine if you refuse to listen get me ONE glass...No more no less! I probably won;t even drink it but If I do I want to know the consequences. He better come home with a lime though!
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