Busy Mom=Diet Disaster

My name is Megan and I am a busy mom of 5 ( yes 5 ) beautiful children. They are 12, 6,5,4, and 3. Soooooo, as you can see it has been REALLY busy to take some time and focus on me ! Well, a heart condition and a mini-stroke (TIA) later here we are. So far this has been a struggle for me but Im making changes in my life to help me focus a little better and a supportive husband has also been a little bit helpful. I am looking to lose 100lbs! Yep, thats a big number and it is a little bit intimidating, but I would really like to do it without surgery and crash diets. A real lifestyle change. Im hoping that my children will pick up on better habits and I can keep them from going the same route that I have. With that many children we are always juggling something from tball,or to church and school functions. I hardly find time to cook much less think about everyone eating healthy. It would be nice to be able to share my triumphs and failures with someone who knows what it is like to be on the same ends as I. Wish me luck!


  • stitcherbeth
    Some things I have learned over the years that may help you...Crock pots are wonderful. Try to do some food prep in the morning or even the evening before. Keep a bunch of sliced veggies for snacks in the fridge at all times. Yogurt and other things like that work too. A simple tuna sandwich and a piece of fruit can make a great quick meal instead of grabbing fast food. Most importantly...you are worth the time you are investing in yourself to get healthy. It is an investment in the future.
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I also am a mom of 5 ....10, 8, 5, 4 and 8 mos...and I need to lose around 100 pounds. Feel free to friend me :wink:
  • swopoe
    swopoe Posts: 15
    I know how you feel. I am a mom of three (a son who is almost 7 and two daughters ages 5 yrs and 20 mo). It is so easy to just grab something out or make dinner without thinking about the health aspect of it. But, I have been on MFP since early Feb., and I can already tell how much of a life change it has been for all of us. I carefully plan our meals (and when and where we eat out), and this experience has just been wonderful. Friend me if you want ad good luck!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Almost sounded like my story. I have five children too - but mine are a older than yours are - I also work two jobs back to back (8:30-5 and 5:15-10:30). I just changed my full time job after 15 years and am stressed beyond all. I would love to just stress eat so I make sure I don't have anything around so I can't. I had my stroke at 18 after a bout of scarlet fever and it affects how much I can and how I can exercise. I get overwhelmed by it all too, but knowing that there are others in the same boat helps tremendously as sometimes I feel like it's only me.

    Good luck!!! Just remember to stick with legitimately logging everything you eat and the weight will come off. My biggest problem now is finding time to do just 15 minutes of exercise! I am down 27 pounds since Jan 18th so I try to remember that it took me years to put on and it isn't going to just melt off no matter how much I want it to! Every little ounce lost is progress!
  • rdonald711
    rdonald711 Posts: 40 Member
    Busy mom of 4, well 5 if you include my husband..I am in the military, full time MBA student and carry a part time job ..I feel your pain, try to eat the healthiest thing I can find on the Wendy's menu, I'm in there with u girl
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    ooooh, I am sending you a friend request, I only have 4 kids, I need to know there are others with busier lives than me!!!

    I like the crock pots idea from stitcherbeth. I stick a whole chicken from the grocery in there and then I have lots to stick in a wrap or snack on all week.

    Tosca Reno has a few books that helped me about clean eating. The trick for me is to buy all the good food like veggies and fruits and then keep them handy. I will cut up my veggies like celery and carrots when I get home from the grocery store, after all the other groceries are unpacked. I am more likely to grab a tupperware of cut up celery than a bag of it that needs chopping when I am in a hurry. I enlist the help of my older kids to help in this. They feel grown up and although they cut funny sizes, it still works. Get a cute little cooler bag and some freezer packs and you can toss loads of healthy snacks in the van with you as you run from activity to activity. Fill up on carrots before you get to that church pot luck and you will behave better in line not being so hungry!

    I put a big cup of water out on my kitchen counter. I am constantly in or passing through my kitchen. I stop and take a few gulps several times a day and it really adds up.

    I know it is hard, but if I know my day is going to be busy I get up early and get my workout in before the household arises and demands cereal.

    Late night workouts are great for stress relievers. :)

    I am sure there will be more advice.
  • canadianchickie
    I just want to say Good for you!!!! Having your health as a priority is just such a big step, and I know you can do it! I think your goals are absolutely wonderful - there is definately no better role model than a parent, and you choosing to look forward and take care of yourself will be the best lesson for your kids!
    Add me as a bud if you like, and I will definately be sending cheers your way for each small step= major triumph! And remember, "Every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around".... so pat yourself on the back - and Way to go!!!
    Thank you so much for the encouragement. I have been logging for two days, and I was amazed at how quickly my calories for the day go out the window. This is going to be a long road for me as well, and I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to change the pattern of eating unhealthy. Im looking forward to losing weight with you.
  • dawgmaven
    dawgmaven Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I am also a Mom of 5 -- 14, 12, 9, 8 and 3. I think that making ME a priority will be very good for the family. I already see my children choosing some healthier options -- my teenage boy ate a salad with his pasta tonight and that almost never happened before. I struggle most with being consistent with exercise. Anyway, I do keep under my calories most days, and I am amazed at how well this works. LOG everything! It makes you really question whether that snack is worth it. You can do this! Feel free to friend me too.