Green Smoothies

About this time last year if you had of told me I would be drinking a green smoothie I would have looked at you like you were crazy. But now they are a must have staple in my life. Packed full of nutrients and antioxidants and a great way to get vegetables and fruits in. Plus the energy you feel after drinking them is AMAZING!
The best beginner smoothie is banana,mango,spinach and water.
If you haven't tried one it really does not taste that bad, coming from a picky eater.


  • Jonicha26
    Jonicha26 Posts: 107 Member
    I make smoothies with spinach, kiwi, a little yogurt, and water. :) It's pretty good!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    cooked spinach? or raw spinach?
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    recipe? :) I want to try!
  • regentin
    regentin Posts: 60
    I have been drinking smoothies for awhile but until yesterday had never added the spinach - now it will be a staple - amazing that you can't taste it. I also added it to my when protein shake! Raw spinach, Jesa.
  • Jonicha26
    Jonicha26 Posts: 107 Member
    I use raw spinach... you just put it in the blender with everything else!
  • Serene4
    Serene4 Posts: 7
    Raw Spinach
  • Serene4
    Serene4 Posts: 7
    Frozen Mangos
    Raw Spinach

    Then Blend in a blender. You just measure it how much you want, I usually put a half banana and give the other half to my son, grab a handful of mangoes and about a half to three quarters of spinach and then water. The trick to the water is to add a little at a time until you get the right consistency you want. You can do this with any fruit you want, I like to witch it up and keep it interesting. I just tried kale and it was really good!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I haven't tried this yet, but I will give it a try! I can just about imagine my husband's face when I set his smoothie in front of him. He's a good sport and will give it a try I'm sure, but I think he's gonna wonder what I'm trying to do to him besides getting us both healthier! lol