Old story, new book

My story is the same as most....my weight goes in cycles and it is currently up and I have made the decision to make it go back down. I enjoy being active, but carrying this much extra weight puts me at risk for injuries durng my summer race season. Thank you in advance for any support you offer!


  • SLwrites
    SLwrites Posts: 12 Member
    Injuries brought me a newfound determination to lose this weight. I started taekwondo and absolutely loved it, but doing a jump kick two weeks ago destroyed my knee and ankle. What kind of racing do you do?
  • INMom
    INMom Posts: 4
    I decided to take middle age on....kicking and screaming! This will be my 3rd season doing sprint triathlons. I grew up as a swimmer, have learned to like road biking, and for the run.....I can always walk it so anything I run is a bonus. 3 surgeries on my right knee does limit the amount of running I do as well.

    Swimming is my sport of choice. Considering joining a Master's Team for the summer, but have to know I can count on my husband to take on more with the kids. For 2 years he has worked 50-60 hr. weeks and gone to school full time.....now he is about finished so it is my turn.....sounds fair, don't you think?