New here, looooong way to go

SLwrites Posts: 12 Member
Hi all. I'm here at MyFitnessPal because I've been watching a friend's MFP posts on Facebook and seeing her success and thought this would be an excellent tool. I have GOT to lose this weight! I finally found an exercise activity that I loved, taekwondo, and my weight killed it for me. One bad landing on a jump kick and it cost me a knee and an ankle. I know it would not have been that bad if I were at my proper weight. I'm facing rehab on the joints, and possible knee surgery and all that entails, and I cannot keep putting this kind of pressure on my joints. If I don't take the weight off, I'll never be able to do all the things I want to in the future. So the line in the sand has been drawn. The battle starts now, and I'm going to need the kind of wonderful support I've seen here so far. I have to win this time.


  • JenWorthen3
    JenWorthen3 Posts: 64 Member
    Hey, chica! Welcome to mfp! It's such an awesome resource and you're going to do great! Let's keep tabs on each other. Bryan's on here, too. He's on my friend's list if you want to add him.