My first day here...

Friend from work told me about this site and I love it from the moment i logged myself in.It's like having a personal trainer.I apologize for my spelling but I was born in Poland and I still make some mistakes.But not many I hope.I'm 50 years old and I've got very confused over the past years in the USA with all the diets and the ways everyone tells you how to eat and stay fit.I hope here I can find what I'm looking for,support ,info and hopefully the body I dream about!I love to exercise (that's no problem)just I hope to control better what's the food intake for me in a day...Happy to be here:)


  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    Hi & Welcome!! You'll love it here! Best wishes...feel free to add me as a friend if you'de like =)
  • polkataniec
    polkataniec Posts: 102
    Thanks Melissa,I'm mother of 2 boys(now men)27and 21years old and I find it a lot harder @my age to be fit even that I exercise and I'm careful what i eat way more now than in my 20s and30s.So do what you doing now it will pay of later when you older...