Video Game Systems for Exercise - Which one to buy?

I am considering purchasing a video game system as a part of my workout. I've heard lots of good feedback about Wii.
I'm interested in thoughts on Wii, Xbox Kenect, PS__ (whatever it is)? I'm over 300lbs for now but active. I go to Zumba and can keep up so I'm not afraid of sweating. Any recommendations on exercise games for the console you recommend?



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Bump--I want to hear people's advice on this as well!
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    me too I just had this convo with my coworker earlier today. :-)

    Come on folks! :-)
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    I love the Wii. It has several games and many activities on each game that can be done for beginners or advanced people.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I have a Wii -- it's been keeping me pretty motivated to exercise. It's the first time that I have exercised in years! And I'm having fun doing it.
  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    I love my wii too! Walk It OUt is my favorite workout!
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    A game that runs on all the of those systems is Active 2. Comes with it's own HRM and sensors independent of the Wii mote if you have one. But I have a Wii and I love it not only do I get Active 2, but you can also get the Wii Fit Plus which has the balance board (300lb weight limit). Which is also a scale.
  • strangle
    strangle Posts: 5
    The kinect for XBOX is definitely the best. the game dance central is super fun and you get exercise without realizing it!
  • siurzua
    siurzua Posts: 62 Member
    Xbox Kinect fo sure!! I have both the Wii and this....

    I love the Kinect, I love the fact the I do not need controllers for it!!
  • Reyesa15
    Reyesa15 Posts: 1
    As for exercise games for the Wii, I really, really recommend the 'Just Dance' games, They're kinda similar to Dance, Dance Revolution (which I also highly recommend), I'm not really sure how to explain it, so here's wikipedia for a bit of info:

    Just Dance is a music video game developed and published by Ubisoft for the Wii. It was released on November 17, 2009 in North America, November 26 in Australia, and November 27 in Europe.[1] It is similar to the Dance Dance Revolution games in that dancers match moves on screen in order to earn points, but the method of game play is very different. In Dance Dance Revolution, dancers hit up, down, left, and right arrows on a dance pad (an additional Wii controller) with their feet to match the arrows scrolling by. In Just Dance, players use only the standard Wii Remote and attempt to mimic all the moves of the on-screen silhouette dancer. Players earn points depending on what moves they perform and how well they perform them.

    and in case you want to see a bit of info for Dance, Dance Revolution:

    The core gameplay involves the player moving his or her feet to a set pattern, stepping in time to the general rhythm or beat of a song. Arrows are divided by 1/4 notes, 1/8 notes, and so on (with differing color schemes for each), up to about 1/32 notes. During normal gameplay, arrows scroll upwards from the bottom of the screen and pass over a set of stationary arrows near the top (referred to as the "guide arrows" or "receptors", officially known as the Step Zone). When the scrolling arrows overlap the stationary ones, the player must step on the corresponding arrows on the dance platform, and the player is given a judgement for their accuracy (Marvelous, Perfect, Great, Good, Almost (close miss), Boo (complete miss)). Longer green and yellow arrows referred to as "freeze arrows" must be held down for their entire length, either producing a "O.K." if successful, or a "N.G." (no good) if not. Dance Dance Revolution X contains songs with Shock Arrows, walls of arrows with lightning effects which must be avoided, which are scored in the same way as Freezes (O.K./N.G.). If they are stepped on, a N.G. is awarded, the lifebar decreases, and the steps become hidden for a short period of time.

    Successfully hitting the arrows in time with the music fills the "Dance Gauge", or life bar, while failure to do so drains it. If the Dance Gauge is fully depleted during gameplay, the player fails the song, usually resulting in a game over. Otherwise, the player is taken to the Results Screen, which rates the player's performance with a letter grade and a numerical score, among other statistics. The player may then be given a chance to play again, depending on the settings of the particular machine (the limit is usually 3-5 songs per game). In most of the home versions, there is usually an option for event mode, where an unlimited number of songs can be played. On most DDR games, there is an option to use two pads at once, making it harder to play but increasing the number of moves to incorporate into songs.

    Both of them are awesome games, but both of them do have their pro's and con's :(

    Anyway's I hope this helps :D Sorry if I posted too much ;A;
  • chelledepriest
    I have a wii and the kinect and have to say I love the kinect! In my opinion I think the kinect so funner than the wii!
  • mwilson57
    mwilson57 Posts: 78 Member
    I haven't really used the Wii, but I love my Xbox Kinect! I have The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout (TBLUW), Your Shape Fitness Evolved, plus the Kinect Sports and Adventures. They all provide a great workout! I like TBLUW better than Your Shape. The TBLUW provides better positive and corrective feedback. It also includes a warm up and stretch cool down for every workout (Your Shape doesn't). You can also opt to incorporate stretch bands and a stability ball, but you have to purchase them separately (or use ones you already have). The workouts routines are automatically varied daily, some days are more aerobic, others are more for toning. I love it!!
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I would recommend the Kinect. I know Wii is already far along and probably has a few more fitness games, but Kinect has so much more interaction, and no controller. :)
  • Lele71
    Lele71 Posts: 76
    I have the wii and I love mine. There is a Zumba game for the wii which is alot of fun.
  • carrieanthony
    carrieanthony Posts: 70 Member
    I wish I had the Kinnect but can't afford it so I LOVE My Wii. I've got Just Dance, Just Dance Two, Jillian Michaels 2009, Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus, Zumba and I just ordered Gold's Gym Dance Workout and Country Dance. I have a LOT of choices and never ever get bored with my exercise!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I use the Wii and the game - My Fitness Coach - Get in shape. And I love it, I prefer doing a work out than playing fitness games.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i think most of these systems will eventually be on a par with each other, the wii has obviously been out for a lot longer so has more games and gimiks (i confess to wanting the bike lol) the kinect and move(?) game out at a similar time and i think have more potential for development and obviously the games are starting to come onto the market (apparently the zumba game for the kinect is a bit buggy). personally i have the kinect i only have your shape fitness evolved for it for it at the moment, the reason i went for this over the wii, my other half, he likes computer games (granted pc over console) and the standard games are much more his sort of thing than for the wii, plus i didn't fancy having to hold things while i worked out.

    but like everything its each to their own. if cost is a factor i would say the wii as there are normally second hand ones on the market you can then get the extras for instead of buying new all round