Aussie girl with plenty to lose

purr1616 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!
righto, so i spose the main reason im even typing this is because my poor husband is sick to death of hearing all my "weighty" issues from "do you know how many cals are in this" all the way to "i so need new gym pants so they dont ride up my butt while im attempting to jog"

So i guess im looking for other poeple to whinge/sulk/brag to.

i spose i better give some stats
starting weight: 96kg (Jan11)
Current weight:84.7kg
goal weight: 65kg? maybe?

so feel free to whinge/sulk/brag all you want im all ears if you are :)


  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    hello fellow Aussie!!!

    Welcome to MFP this place is great feel free to add me as a friend.
  • you go girl you can do it . make yourself feel better. Do it for you.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey - we all need people to vent to because husbands can only handle sooo much!
    Mine is sick and tired of celebraing my small victories when it comes to running... he is supportive but when he really makes me mad is when I have a bad run... he just doesnt get it!
  • purr1616
    purr1616 Posts: 5 Member
    its so nice to know that other people are out there experiencing the same sort of thing.
    like the excitment over little victories like having run for a whole 5mins after never having run a day in my life
    or that feeling of jumping on the scales and youve hit a mini goal like being under 90kgs.

    ive started to feel like my whole life is asorbed with being healthy after a life time of being unhealthy and i love it, unfortunalty is bores the crap outta some people :)
  • karriesue
    karriesue Posts: 19
    It's never boring to hear great news!!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Hey! Another Aussie yay! Good Luck :)
  • Yay, another Aussie - you have the same goal weight as me too ;-) MFP has been really great for support, and having a place to whinge about all the trials and tribulations of trying to lose weight and get fitter - my boyfriend has certainly welcomed the reprieve of my venting to him all the time!
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