Trying to take back the freshmen 20 and MY LIFE

dsaanmcmey33 Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there! I'm new to myfitnesspal however I really like how this website is set up. I have tried EVERYTHING in order to lose weight and I have the most difficult time remaining committed and motivated. I am looking to lose 30lbs and I'm ready to get my life back. Chronic low self-esteem and self-loathing has really negatively impacted my life and it is all surrounding the weight I have managed to pack on over the past three years. Looking for all the support/advice/help I can get!


  • Tyrentboy
    Tyrentboy Posts: 2 Member
    Well your at least off to a good start by being on here. :-) And i know what you mean, i had clothes in my closet for YEARS that i meant to someday be able to fit back into.
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