WHY is it NOT coming off?

Before you all say I need to exercise.....I will as soon as it warms up a bit. I live in upstate NY. I plan on walking and possibly training for a 5k soon. One of my golas in life are to be able to run. It is free and that makes my wallet happy , and it is something that can be done at anytime.

I have never had this much trouble getting some poundage off before. I have always been able to lose atleast 2-3 lbs a week for a few weeks then slow down but this time around NOPE. I am lucky if I lose 1 lb. It is very discouraging and I feel like giving up, WHY BOTHER?? The food costs a fortune and I am getting no results from it.
I drink more water than I ever have, and follow my calories very closely. I was sick a couple of weeks ago and didn't eat for a few days(THAT HELPED ha ha ) and since then I haven't been a fan of water :-(. I have not cheated at all since starting(only once when i went out with the ladies) otherwise everything i put into my mouth is accounted for. So I eat my allowed calories, drink lots of water, gave up alcohol and dessert. Alcohol and dessert alone should have let me shed 10 lbs. I am a dessert queen and always had my wine at night.



  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Maybe share your food diary, so we can see what you are eating?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    We can't help adequately until you open your food diary. Maybe you need to track sugars and sodium more closely?
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    I go to school in upstate New York! I can definitely relate to the cold weather--- I used to run outside every day back home 9about 14miles) but here, I have to do it inside, which is a total bummer.

    We could all give you a lot more effective advice if you post your Food Diary-- diet is often the pitfall of delayed weight loss..... some very "minor" things in your diet could actually be totally derailing your weight loss!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Without being able to see your food diary I can't really offer any help.
  • herbalgirl011
    First I suggest going to a doctor and getting a physical. Women(myself included) get hormonal problems that stop us from losing weight or make our weight go up and down.
    In addition. To what you are already doing make sure you are getting enough rest and sleep :0)
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I agree that we could better help you if you opened your food diary. I also agree with seeing a doctor if the weight is not coming off because that means there could be an underlying issue.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Have you set your goals up correctly?

    Food doesn't need to be expensive, try eating smaller portions of what you normally eat, then eventually you will want to replace your foods with healthier options. You have to still enjoy eating or you won't stick with it.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    To me, it sounds like you are being too strict. Give yourself a break every once in awhile. It also seems like you have it in your head that it's a temporary diet....it's got to be a permanent lifestyle change.

    There doesn't have to be anything "special" that you need to buy. It's all there for you at the produce dept at the grocery, and now that spring is here, farmers markets will be opening up soon. Get rid of the processed foods, and concentrate on whole foods.

    And give yourself a break, don't worry about the weight, and look at it as a healthy lifestyle change, not a diet.

    And as everyone else said, it would probably be a lot more helpful to see your diary. Your sodium could be way up if you are eating processed diet foods. Just sayin
  • ladyjh578
    ladyjh578 Posts: 207
    Thanks everyone for trying to help. I just opened my diary to PUBLIC. I never even knew it was "locked" up tight..haha Also please note that the PB and F and any lean cuisine meals are eaten when we are low on food and need to hit up the market. Which has been for a few days now.

    I am open to any suggestions.

  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Before you all say I need to exercise.....I will as soon as it warms up a bit. I live in upstate NY. I plan on walking and possibly training for a 5k soon. One of my golas in life are to be able to run. It is free and that makes my wallet happy , and it is something that can be done at anytime.

    I have never had this much trouble getting some poundage off before. I have always been able to lose atleast 2-3 lbs a week for a few weeks then slow down but this time around NOPE. I am lucky if I lose 1 lb. It is very discouraging and I feel like giving up, WHY BOTHER?? The food costs a fortune and I am getting no results from it.
    I drink more water than I ever have, and follow my calories very closely. I was sick a couple of weeks ago and didn't eat for a few days(THAT HELPED ha ha ) and since then I haven't been a fan of water :-(. I have not cheated at all since starting(only once when i went out with the ladies) otherwise everything i put into my mouth is accounted for. So I eat my allowed calories, drink lots of water, gave up alcohol and dessert. Alcohol and dessert alone should have let me shed 10 lbs. I am a dessert queen and always had my wine at night.


    A) 1 lb a week is perfectly acceptable as you get closer to your goal.

    B) I would suggest including more protein and fat into your diet.

    C) There are at least 3 - 4 days I saw as I skimmed over your diary where you either had extremely low calories or didn't finish logging. Always try to reach your calories for the day. If you jut didn't finish logging, cheating isn't the end of the world, but don't complain about weight loss if you went over your calories for the day more than once or twice a week.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Are you watching your salt intake? I see chips and subway. I go out to eat only once per week, just because the sodium is so high when you eat out. Subway is the best choice I have found for the lowest sodium when sticking to simple choices, but be aware that home cooked foods are the best way to control everything going in. Also, If you are seeing positive changes in your body and how your clothes fit, then focus on that. The scale is the Devil!!!! It will lie to you and mess with your head. You can be successful without hitting those scale numbers!!!
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    You are eating almost exclusively processed foods.....most of which are devoid of nutritional value or have fairly little. Even stuff like Subway has a ton of sodium in in. Just because something is low cal doesn't necessarily mean that it is healthy!!

    You really need to up your fruit and vegetable intake, and when you eat carbs, make sure they are complex and from 100% whole grains (for example, nix the Cheerios in favor of steel cut oats).

    Try to shoot for 3 servings of vegetables at both dinner and lunch, along with lean protein at EVERY meal.

    Edited to add......Try to swap your creamer for skim or soy milk. Also, try to use mustard (or even plain non fat greek yogurt) for the mayo.

    I'd also start tracking your sodium; it'll give you insight to how much salt is in processed foods.

    Fiber also is really important! I'd recommend that you get even more than MPF recommends-- it's so important for weight loss. The CDC recommends 25g minimum a day for women.