
i had ordered my Bowflex Revolution and it was supposed to be delivered today. Tracked it via UPS website and it was scheduled for delivery. I cleared out the required space in my garage and sat there waiting for the truck to come... It never came. Found out it was rescheduled for the next day!! :sad:

I will be out of town and wont be able to actually get it until monday! I was hoping to have it put together by then ready for use monday! BUMMER!


  • Blindmethod
    i had ordered my Bowflex Revolution and it was supposed to be delivered today. Tracked it via UPS website and it was scheduled for delivery. I cleared out the required space in my garage and sat there waiting for the truck to come... It never came. Found out it was rescheduled for the next day!! :sad:

    I will be out of town and wont be able to actually get it until monday! I was hoping to have it put together by then ready for use monday! BUMMER!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    That stinks! I hate delivery people. Boo, delivery people! Well, at least you have something to look forward to when you get back!
  • Blindmethod

    So it begins! My Bowflex arrived in 6 wonderful boxes today. They are sitting in the garage as we speak. I have just been going over the installation manual and will start here shortly. Wish me luck!
  • Blindmethod
    2 hours later I have it put together! FINALLY!

    I think that was a workout in itself....
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Please let me know how you like it... my hubby really wants to get one.. but, I am reluctant.
  • Blindmethod
    I sure will! So far I am still getting used to the cables. I have problems with my shoulders from when I was in the military so I couldn't use very much free weights for fear of them dropping on me. (Didn't always have a spotter) With these cables it will be a lot easier for me and also build my confidence in my shoulder strength!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Awesome, thanks so much! Hubby has a shoulder issue too and he needs to constantly stretch and work that area so thinking cable resistance is prob the way to go (bought him some bands but they can be really limiting). Look forward to hearing the results!
  • Blindmethod
    HAHAHA! The bowflex is amazing! It's been two weeks and I am already seeing results! The key to the bowflex is that you have to be "selfmotivated". No gym to drag your butt to and then be forced to work out because you are there. I can understand how you are home and its easier to talk yourself out of it. Really need to be motivated. Seeing results do to the weight training, diet, and exercise really helps me keep going. Even on a day I was so tired I worked out a little bit. Every little bit counts, right? I know it does when it comes to food in my mouth!