30DS level 1 and Level 2 Cal difference

I have been doing level 1 for about 10 days. Today I started level 2 and it was harder than level 1 and I was sweating a lot more. Do all 3 levels burn the same amount of calories? I didnt feel like it did. I felt I got a better burn from level 2. I wanted to log it and if it burns more I would like to list that. How would I list it? Mainly my listing of exercises cals burned is so I can see that I am actually making progress.
Thanks :)


  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    I logged all of 30 day Shred under circuit training. Thats what I was told to do on here. The best way to monitor your personal calorie burn is to buy one of those things (Cant remember the name) tha you wear while working out.
  • sexyprincess69
    I am on day 3 on 30DS I can feel the burn. Did you lose any weight on the level 1 if so how much? How may cal did you burn on level 1?
  • KELM0710
    KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
    I am still up and down on my weight, lost 3lbs but some days I am back up those three pounds..sucks..I did however lose inches. Here are my measurements:
    3-8-11 3/17/11 3/22/11 3/29/11 Difference

    Waist 44 44.5 43 42 2.5
    Hips 47 47 47 46 1
    Thigh 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.5 0
    Bicep 14 14 13.5 13.5 .5
    Calf 17 16.5 16.25 16 .5
    Neck 15.25 15.5 15 15 .5
    Bust 43 45 43.5 44 1

    Its not a lot but it was slightly noticable for me. I did level 1 for 10 days and not in a row. Mainly skipped the weekends. I did a 10 min stretch after and a couple days I did either the 6week 6pack level 1(for 20 out of 40 mins) and then the other day I did the last chance workout with the 30ds.