
tyienna Posts: 39
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Ok so I have a problem that I'm not sure how to handle. I work as an administrative assistant so I'm always sitting at work. When my work load gets slow I start snacking and its never on anything good. I have been pushing back the need to snack the past few days, but its starting to kill me. It's not that I'm hungry, its just seems to be something to do when I'm bored or nervous. Does anyone else have this problem and what kind of things could I snack on that wouldn't be so bad?


  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    I have this problem because I am an accountant and also sit all day. I always keep water at my desk to try to keep me full. I also only bring enough food with me for the day. I never bring anything extra that way I'm not tempted to snack all day.
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    I sit for my job aallll day too. I only pack specific foods for myself in the morning that will get me through that day. If I keep a box of snack bars or something at my desk, I'll eat them because they're here.

    Try bitesize types of fruits & veggies! Carrots/Celery & hummus, grapes, string cheese....
  • Same thing happens to me too, I try to drink coffee or water instead of eat...or just get little things like pretzels, nuts etc.
  • kelscot30
    kelscot30 Posts: 74 Member
    Fruit is the obvs answer! I struggle at exactly this time, 3pm ish daily so I allow myself a cuppa and today I am have a single finger cadbury time out bar! 85 cals and 4.7g of fat! Not exactly a yogurt but Im craving choc! x
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Maybe you just need something else to do with your hands. I worked in a call center years ago and every other person was cross-stitching or quilting when they weren't busy. There was even one crazy quilting lady that managed to quilt and take calls at the same time.
  • Brings snacks to work. It is mindless snacking, meaning you don't even taste what your eating you just need to do something. I bring things like blueberries, carrot sticks, celery sticks. It sounds weird but I don't even notice that I am eating blueberries rather than M&M's. I takes effort to prepare this stuff to bring everyday but I now do it everynight. I know if I don't I will get something at work that is unhealthy.
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    Same here I sit most of the day, I agree with the other posts in bringing your own snacks but not too much.
    Bring 3 snacks for your 8 hour work day and make them healthy snacks like veggies or a fiber one or protein bar and ration them throughout the day.. That seems to work for me! Good luck!! :)
  • liz_bolin
    liz_bolin Posts: 88 Member
    I keep water at my desk, it really does help. I am a paralegal an the attorneys also have snacks and candy around here. So I just pretty much stay in my office and drink water to keep me full.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I've been having this problem all week, and I agree with the last poster try not to bring anything extra to snack on and you'll solve that problem. As for healthy treats I got some Special K Cracker chips which are delicious and only 110 calories for 27. Nuts are also a healthy option and the protein helps keep you full. Now my problem is knowing when to stop snacking so today I only brought 27 of those chips with me, so I won't go overboard!
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    I plan out my week of eating. All the snacks, meals etc. I do not keep food at my desk and only bring stuff for me to eat through out the day. I'm an EA so I know what you mean....boredom=mindless eating. I just bring in berries, veggies, fruit, yogurts, nuts....and drink plenty of h2o
  • crebbe
    crebbe Posts: 18
    I JUST popped some kernels in a paper bag without any seasoning. I heard in mentioned on here a few times and yes, it solved my snack craving. I don't even miss the butter!

    Now everyone else wants popcorn!
  • lovlegs84
    lovlegs84 Posts: 17
    I work in administrative office also so snacking is always an issue ... my snacks now consist of quaker snack cakes , 100 calorie cookies ,and fruit snacks!
  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    I'm an Accounts Administrator and i had the same problem too, in fact i started to gain the weight when i started this job 5 years ago :(

    I chew on gum if i get distracted by food in between my meals, i snack on apples and crispbreads etc then i will have a piece of sugar free gum if i'm still not satisfied. I also drink plenty of water too.

    I'm lucky that i'm fairly busy all the time, but stress can make me crave a snack.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    I'm at a desk all day, too. Try packing a backpack full of food in the morning - some cut up celery. some baby carrots, a pepper, a measured bag of granola or little pretzel twists... My absolute favorite mindless-snacking snack is a head of iceberg lettuce. I wash it, tear it in half, stick it in a bowl and eat it like chips. Crunch, crunch, crunch... Love it. I also brought a hand blender to the office, and make a chocolate protein smoothie with half a banana and lots of ice, but I only drink half in the morning, and I put the other half in the freezer - 2pm choco-banana frozen smoothie snack! :)

    Eat all day. Carefully portioned, healthy things - all day long.

  • trish1960
    trish1960 Posts: 39
    I'm also a secretary and struggle with this issue. I try to snack on strawberries, carrots, apple slices - that sort of thing. I love lettuce too. I've been eating grapefruits but these are to messy for work. I hear that grapefruit helps burn fat - don't know. I'm new to this program but I like it. I'm not up to par with the exercise part.
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