Last 10 pounds - Calories



  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks for all of the praise for my success and helpful responses!

    Speaking of the way I feel and body fat percentages-- I feel confident when I say I really lack the muscle I could/should have. Strength training is VERY much a challenge for me when I do it. I see some of you suggested I work more of it into my routine... I'm sure you're right! I'll start easing more into my routine. I have no idea what my bf% is. I'm assuming like 35%.. I have an embarrassingly jiggly belly. I see other people at my height and weight with far less of a mid-section problem. I really want my waist to go down at least 2-3 inches. I think I'd be happy then. I'm not looking for the perfect body. I just want to look down and not see this big gut I've been working so hard for like 2 years to get rid of. It makes me feel as if I haven't made much progress at all. I know the numbers say differently but it's been really gradual. For me the more I get "into" fitness the more I notice things wrong with my body. It's affected my mental health/self esteem greatly.

    As for switching up my routine- this is it! I just started zumba. After trying various classes in my area over the last month I signed up at the university (Where I work) gym. It was closed over spring break last week so this is really my first week of hitting it hard. I've done the 30 day shred with success. (although I didn't like it one bit - I need exercise to be fun so I'm loving zumba) Before that I was only taking short walks and not always logging calories -yet being mindful about what I ate- and maintaining successfully. My weight started creeping up more recently and since I started upping my exercise my weight has fallowed.

    What I eat- Yes, I do eat several meals a day. My day goes something like this.. Breakfast, 250. Snack, 100. Lunch, 300. Snack, 50. Dinner, 450. Snack, 100. I cave for temptations and don't always make good choices on weekends. I eat out too often but I wouldn't say it's much more then I have in the past while maintaining/ still losing. I feel like in a way the weekends are my "zig-zag" and when I do eat more then my usual 1300 I see the scale go up and then I spend all week trying to fight off the weekends mistakes.

    Don't get me wrong.... I love how far I've come! I just don't want to risk gaining. I also don't want to give up my goal... Not necessarily the weight of 125 being most important but to be happy with the way I look - which means a few more inches from my belly. I've lost 8 or 9" from my waist so far.. a few more shouldn't be THAT hard! Thanks again everyone!
  • summer_anne
    Gotta really rev up your workouts!!! I love lots of High Intensity Intervals and Bodyweight strength training - and the more muscle you have, the more fat you will BURN! Make sure to move 6 days a week...this is my favorite website for free at home workouts
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    The closer you get to your goal the smaller your caloric deficit should be. If your deficit is too large and you don't have much to lose you risk burning muscle, instead of fat.
    Can anyone expand on this thought? Anyone who got to their last few pounds after a long journey and started raising their calorie intake with success?

    I'm assuming the strength training will get easier. I was only going to go to zumba tonight because I did strength on Monday but you all have changed my mind! Now I think I should do my other class too. It's called hard core.. it focuses on abs mostly but my entire body -legs butt and abs- have been burning for the last two days so I know it's working multiple muscle groups.