Dose anyone watch their sugar?

I just started looking at my sugar also and am always over, most of my sugar is from fruit. I think the goals on here are insainly low for me but I am not sure what a good number to set it at is. Can anyone who watches their sugar tell me where to even start. I use to eat candy everyday and then could understand my sugar being high but just from fruits and milk while I am still under calories and making healthier choices I really am not eating junk food. I chose no sugar added when getting canned fruit and when there is a lower sugar option I try to get it but fresh fruit is not something I can control. Anyways the point is whats a good sugar number for 1300 calories.


  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I just started looking at my sugar also and am always over, most of my sugar is from fruit. I think the goals on here are insainly low for me but I am not sure what a good number to set it at is. Can anyone who watches their sugar tell me where to even start. I use to eat candy everyday and then could understand my sugar being high but just from fruits and milk while I am still under calories and making healthier choices I really am not eating junk food. I chose no sugar added when getting canned fruit and when there is a lower sugar option I try to get it but fresh fruit is not something I can control. Anyways the point is whats a good sugar number for 1300 calories.
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    I just came from my doctor today and she told me to not worry about sugar in fruit. I only count the refined sugars I ate (bread, milk, ceral, etc).
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    I just came from my doctor today and she told me to not worry about sugar in fruit. I only count the refined sugars I ate (bread, milk, ceral, etc).

    I wish there was a way to have my fitness pal tell the difference.
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    Yes, that would be nice. I just see what is from fruits and subtract it from the total.
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    i also only count refined sugars - there is no way i can eat my allotted amount of sugar in a day with the servings of fruit i have!!!