200 plus club



  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    I'm there. I began at 247 and now weigh 223 and need to get down to 160 to have a healthy bmi
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    i am going to go home and do the wii fitness plus for exercise and i hear belly dancing works too i did it for 5 min so far at work and i feel it in my legs
    in addition i am also on weight watchers points plus and so far lost 4 lbs
    33 more to go and i will be at 180 woohoo i just hope i can fit into my easter dress this year
    will post pictures later
  • captnesshowdy7
    Good luck with WW, jenhenning219! I did WW for a year and lost 63 pounds. Ever since they went to points plus, I've not been able to lose anything :-( but I've lost 11 pounds here!

    I'm always looking for people to motivate so please feel free to add me as a friend and I'm always willing to answer any questions or give a kick in the behind when needed! :-)
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    Count me in. I started at 227, now down to 207 (maybe more since I splurged at the weekend and havn't weighed in yet :embarassed: )

    My goal weight is 150lb, or thereabouts, really whatever weight i'm most comfortable with, so still a long road ahead!
  • jo_chrystal
    Hi everyone i started at 127 kilos (280 lb) im now at 117 kilos (258 lb) and need all the help i can get feel free to add me too x
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    I'm here too! I'm at 277.8 as of this morning - which is also DAY 1 of this journey. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Codygirlslim
    I'm in!! I started at 235lb THIS time around. I had a baby in Novemerb, pre-prego weight was still 231. I haven't seen ONEderland for 4+ yrs when I did NutriSystem. Got down to 197 and then had to give it up because of the cost. Currently I am at...224 I believe. Working on having a REALLY good week this week as I am very focused, even being so tired because my baby almost doesn't sleep at all during the night (and yes, we have tried everything!). I have 4 kiddos and am going to school full-time, so it's not easy to get in those workouts...so I need all the support I can get! My goal weight is 165lbs which is inside my healthy BMI for 5"9ish. However, I am graduating on June 4th and have BIG PLANS to walk across the stage at 189lbs. It can be done, but I have to buckle down better than I am now. NEED THE SUPPORT FOR SURE!! I just had my 37th (YIKES!) bday and I want to be a young, hot and healthy mom who can keep up with her kids...NOT a frumpy, dumpy, dimple-bum mom who is going to have trouble just getting out of the car!! YEP!! I am IN!!