Who has done this on their own? HELP!



  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    I have two sisters who have had the surgery. They both got very small afterwards but now they both have gained their weight back and have issues from the surgeries. I have lost a total of 65 pounds since the beginning of 2010 without feeling like I deprived myself at all. If I crave something I have a small portion. I can tell you one thing. My sisters got smaller than I am now at 160 pounds but I look better than they ever did. Eating healthy and exercising helps in so many aspects of your life. Sure it helps you physically but also emotionally and mentally. I encourage you to work out and eat healthy. Be willing for it to take some time to make it to your goal and one day you will look back at your journey and be grateful you did. Good Luck!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Thank you for the quick and encouraging responses! My hardest part has been keeping myself accountable for those pieces of peppermint patties! Everything counts. I have yo-yoed for the last 10 years prior to that I was an athlete in high school so I never had an issue with weight…and I just want to do it the right way this time. I am the only one in my family that has a weight issue. Surgery isn’t an option for me…so I really loved hearing that with patience, time, eating better, and getting up out of my office chair…that I can do this.

    Yes you can!!!!! You will have great days, good days and bad days! Don't let the bad ones get you down and derail you from your goals! It does NOT matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you get back up! Good luck to you! Friend request me if you'd like, I've learned a lot on my journey and still learning!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I lost at least 45 pounds over the last year. I'm not sure what weight I started at, but I know I was at least 185. That's about a 1/3 of my body weight. I started off with just cutting calories and walking, and then I started walking faster when I felt comfortable and now I work out 5-6 days a week. I haven't joined a gym -- just workout with dvds at home (with weights and a mat). I don't exactly eat "clean" and I treat myself pretty regularly, but I plan for those treats and work out extra hard to make room for them.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    You can do it! I also work in the medical field and have so many coworkers and aquaintances from work who have had the surgery and it seems like such a popular thing. However after interviewing many of them, I decided the only thing that sounded good to me about it was the weight loss. That would not solve my issues though. I have been able to lose 55lbs since Last February without the help of weight loss surgery.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I lost 114 as of today on my own. Please add me and join the nation! Add bigpelly too and anyone else on my friends list they all work very hard and are good friends
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You can totally do this!!!

    I've actualy got a great story for you about surgery vs diet/exercise. Last January (2010), I joined Weight Watchers and started working out more consistently - around the same time, one of my cousins got the lap band surgery. Long story short, as of a few weeks ago, she'd only lost 5 pounds more than I have (me: 55, her: 60).

    The biggest difference is that she, like many others who've had those gastric weight loss surgeries, thought it would be a magic fix and she could just lose weight and become healthier without really trying. But she found out after about 6 months that it wasn't going to be that easy.

    It may not sound like it but I am very proud of her. My negativity only comes from wishing that she could've skipped the surgery and side effects and gone straight to diet and exercise. And I don't mean to belittle anyone who decides to go this route because I know that without the surgery, she'd likely never have lost any weight.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Agree with the posts above.
    Yes, you can do this on your own! Slow and steady wins the weight loss race.
    Be accountable to yourself, don't beat yourself up if you get off-track for a time, and keep moving. :wink:
    My only form of exercise is walking....but I do a lot of it!
    This is a great site for motivation and support!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Me! No surgery here! 2 months on my own, 12 months on MFP, = 102 pounds gone and tons of inches! I did not do measurements, in the beginning, I was already embarrassed enough. (wish I would have) But, size 26 to size 16, thus far. How did I do it? Oh I have logged on here EVERY SINGLE day for 360 days, as of today, exercised and posted it, everyday, watch what I eat and post EVERYTHING in my food diary, everyday. That's it! Calories in, Calories out!
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    I've lost *almost* 100lbs by cutting calories and working out. No surgery for me - well maybe boob implants once I reach goal weight - but that's a whole OTHER story...

    It can be done. You just have to want it bad enough. If you truly want it, you will do it and you will get there.

    It's taken me 3 years to reach this point. THREE FREAKING YEARS! And I'm still not at my goal, but that's okay because I will get there.

    The only secret to weight loss, besides diet and exercise, is patience. You don't get fat over night, and you won't lose weight over night.

    Good luck to you!
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    August 24, 2009 I stepped on the scale and saw 357. The highest I'd ever been. 18 months of paying attention to what went in my mouth and 12 months of exercise (wasn't ready for it the first 6 months) and I'm down 150 and still going.

    You can do it. Be patient, find what works for you, commit to it, stick to it, and you'll get there! :-)
  • justyourtypicalgirl
    justyourtypicalgirl Posts: 136 Member
    52 pounds in 29 weeks. No secrets...I eat well and I exercise like it is my job.
    Anyone can do this but you have to be committed and stay committed.
    And PS...congrats on losing 30 lbs in 3 months. That's awesome and you are on the right track.
    And PPS...I've known four people who had bypass or the band...and yes, they lost the weight...and put it right back on. Exercise is free, safe, natural, and great for you!
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I have lost all my weight on my own (no surgery). It is hard but well worth it!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Did it all on my own, like a big boy! :bigsmile:

    To date, I've lost 128 pounds in less than a year with EXTREME self-motivation and dedicated ferocity to a new lifestyle and meticulously tracking every calorie in and every calorie out. For the most part, I had no support group either, so it literally was all me. It also helps that my confidence and patience is astronomically high to the point where failure is still success to me.
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    Being over 300 pounds for a few years - there were times I contemplated surgery - but I refused to go that route. I finally committed myself to getting healthy and it has been a slow process it is so worth it. I have lost all my weight on my own - I have a ways more to go but yes - it can be done! Best of luck to you! You CAN do this!
  • MotherofDREAMS
    So many amazing stories here!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    <~~ Diet and Exercise guy...
  • MotorMowth
    Almost 30# in three months. Smaller portions and exercise. Surgery was never an option for me.

    You can do it!

    Hell, we ALL can. :-)
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    No pills and no surgery here either, just diet and some exercise. Doing more exercise now I have lost the weight, as I was a lazy bugger hence getting so fat in the first place. It IS possible to do it, its healthier and better to do it with diet and exercise. You can do it if I can!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I invent my own words too! Awesome. Too bad I'm the only one who understands them. Well, my dog understands them. What where we talking about?

    Oh yeah, I dropped 70'ish pounds. It took me nearly two years to do it, but I have very little self controll and really like all you can eat buffets. And donuts.

    Though... maybe because of the slow weight loss, maybe genetics, I don't have any stretch marks or loose skin. So there may be a plus to slow progress?

    It can be done. And if somebody like me can do it, you Defnatly can.
  • blu143
    blu143 Posts: 27
    I've done it. I've lost 105 lbs, all on diet and excercise alone (Mainly because fad diets don't work). I gained a few over the holidays and decided it was time to take that off and then some. It's hard in the beginning but gets easier