two day diet screw up.

grasp Posts: 31
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Monday and Tuesday was bing day. Today I am determined to get back on track. Maybe plan meals more then I have been.

Nothing really crappy, just too much.

A big chunk is will power, or lack-there-of. I wonder if another part is nutritional. I am missing something my body requires and it builds to this point. I guess I could go through all the ingredients and try to isolate.

It is curious to me that after a bing like this the next two weeks will require a modicum of will to stay within my daily.


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I'm the same way - once I've slipped up, especially with sweet treats, it seems to take at least a few days to get that craving back out of my system. I'm currently having a rough week too. Caught a head cold while on vacation last week so I haven't had the energy to exercise and I've had a few too many comforting treats than I should because I just want to feel better. I'm trying to get back on track today though - we can do this!!
  • i fell off the band wagon over the weekend period bit jumped straight back on it on monday without any hesitation
  • michaelduke31
    michaelduke31 Posts: 15 Member
    best of luck!!!

    it's extremely extremely hard man.. i hear ya. maybe start with your goal as a short term.. try to get to just 1 week without binging.. then 2 weeks.. i've found that once i hit that 2 week mark, it gets a lot easier.. because you dont want all that hard work you've done to go down the drain. just get your mind right and always ask yourself before eating something crappy, "is it worth it???" get that good healthy clean food in your system, and kill that craving!

    hope you get there!
  • ColleenJo50
    ColleenJo50 Posts: 3 Member
    :bigsmile: It's okay, don't cave under pressure---just get right back on track again. My hardest thing is Sunday's...where I come from and the way I was raised Sunday is a big dinner day---you know meat, mashed potatoes, the works----so I'm finding that's my biggest screwup, it's hard to change old habits. We just have to retrain our's a brand new day, and a brand new way!!! Good luck, and go get 'em!!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Do not feel bad. A few years ago I had a free personal training session and the trainer told me if you eat healthy/diey 5 days then 2 days you can eat more of what you want. I still live by this. 5 days strict and the weekend are my days to party or eat what I want!!
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