Am I eating enough?

Is there anyone who would like to check over my food diary and see if I am eating enough, too much, what I could change. Any suggestions at all.
My weight is crawling off. It still goes down but by ounces. It never came off quickly, At most 2 lbs a week, but average 1/2 to one pound. I know as you get down, it is slower but it really seems to be like a turtle stuck in molasses in February. My inches do change, slowly as well. I am putting on muscle, and things are tightening up, so I am pleased as can be with that.
I am 13-17 lbs from my goal weight.
I am 5'5, 39 years old, was 211(feb 2010) and now 157.
I am at the gym every day, my schedule looks like this
Mon -20-20-20( cardio-weights-core) Its a great class at the Y.
Tuesday - What a waist! class. Strength, toning, TRX, a little cardio 60 mins - very tough class
Wednesday - Stability ball class 60 mins(lots of strength and balancing, squats, weights)
Thursday - Spin(60 mins and I push hard thru this class) and core(15 mins) Yoga(45 mins)
Friday - Bootcamp. and I push it hard. 60 mins
Saturday and Sunday I do 30DS just for a quickie routine on weekends.( I just started doing this last week)
I also walk a lot. On the weekends we try to do things that are physical.

I sit at a desk for a job, but I work from home, so I am up and down all the time. I dont just sit for 8 hours. I would be bored stiff. lol.


  • lnjklnjk
    lnjklnjk Posts: 5
    At your current weight and height your BMR comes out to 1388 cals. With all the working out you do you may be under on your calorie intake. I am not sure how many cals you burn with your workouts. The only other thing I would say is you may be low on your protein intake. Your carbs seem to be very high. I think MFP puts the P/C/F ratios off a bit. I changed my ratios to be 45% protein 35% carbs and 20% fat. I do have a bit of fat on me to lose though. When I become a little leaner I will go to a 40/40/20 ratio. A lot of the threads here mention that carbs are used first by the body as energy before burning fat. Just a suggestion. Good luck.