Help! Road trip!

Hey all, I need your help. We are going on a 5 day road trip on Saturday and will be eating all meals out for all 5 days! We will be staying in hotels with free breakfast, so that is not a problem. I will eat a bowl of cereal with skim milk and have coffee. But what about lunch and dinner which will be eaten mostly at fast food joints?? I am not too worried about staying under 1200 calories...but I am worried about going over 2000!!!! I am not going to try to lose any weight during this week, it is a vacation and I want to just relax and enjoy it, but do you have any suggestions for lower calorie foods at fast food places. Today I had a whopper Jr. with no mayo and it was only about 300 so that is good, but I need more ideas. Be creative too, I will be stopping at Wal-mart grocery so I can take some things along with me. Thanks!


  • bigbeth_02
    bigbeth_02 Posts: 13 Member
    i would stick with side salads,with fat free dressing,with maybe a cheeseburger,or maybe try to eat grilled chicken if thats available ,i know arbys has junior roast beef sandwhiches that are only 200 calories ,if i eat out i tend to get that ,anything thats not fried is always a better choice ,good luck i know its hard when your out to not be tempted.
  • dadsgirl87
    Wel this isn't particularly "fast", but Panera Bread has low fat chicken noodle soup. It's really good and only 140 calories for a bowl!
  • Janelle_Teaches
    Hey!! I have found, if I know I"m going to eat out..I can plan what to get. For example, I know I'm going to have chick-fil-a. So I plan out what to eat to stay under using MFP database or going to the website for the fast food joint. :) I have found I can cut a lot of calories by eating the 'healthier' choice at a fast food place. :)

    Planning is Key!!! Good luck:)
  • michaelduke31
    michaelduke31 Posts: 15 Member
    honestly, if you are really serious about it... i would try and stick to the grilled chicken sandwiches that are on the menu.. i mean, if you are going to get a whopper, just go ahead and load it up and eat everything. a little mayo isnt going to make or break you on that.

    or, you could always try to just limit yourself. be super strict with all meals but your dinner. that way you can just look forward to ordering whatever you want come dinner time and it will be that much more enjoyable. then after vaca, just hit it back up hard again!!
  • mls37390
    mls37390 Posts: 7
    Biggest thing is don't sweat this!!! You are going on a vacation which is only 5 days. Enjoy yourself, pack some fresh fruit, and remember you can get back on the right track when you return. Hope you are going somewhere warm!