New to posting...

faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I've been using the site for about a month now. Thought I'd say "Hi!" This is the longest I've stuck with anything before (3 months at the gym, WhooHoo!) so I really feel like I'm actually making changes that will stick. Baby steps, right! (One thing I learned from Bill Murray.) But I've lost 4 pounds since I started weighing in. I had my third child 4 months ago and want to have the fourth in a little over ayear from now, but I want to lose another 20 pounds or so before I get pregnant. After that, the big journey really begins. Hopefully by that point, the habits I'm building now will be ingrained and I'll just be able to get right to it. Luckily I have pretty good self control when I'm pregnant. It's when it's just me that I have trouble. Oh well, that's probably enough for now.


  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I've been using the site for about a month now. Thought I'd say "Hi!" This is the longest I've stuck with anything before (3 months at the gym, WhooHoo!) so I really feel like I'm actually making changes that will stick. Baby steps, right! (One thing I learned from Bill Murray.) But I've lost 4 pounds since I started weighing in. I had my third child 4 months ago and want to have the fourth in a little over ayear from now, but I want to lose another 20 pounds or so before I get pregnant. After that, the big journey really begins. Hopefully by that point, the habits I'm building now will be ingrained and I'll just be able to get right to it. Luckily I have pretty good self control when I'm pregnant. It's when it's just me that I have trouble. Oh well, that's probably enough for now.
  • time2wrk
    time2wrk Posts: 773 Member
    Isn't this a great site? Good for you for working on changing your habits ! Welcome to posting - it is a lot of fun!
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