BMI: is it reasonable?



  • tansyg
    tansyg Posts: 25 Member
    BMI is not perfect,but it is a helpful tool.
    The healthy range is quite big, for me about 20 kilos. Im sure I would look very thin at the lower end of the rang, while at the upper end i look a little chubby. Generally speaking (with exceptions of course) if you fall into this range you are healthy. I dont see BMI as something which tells you your exact ideal weight. If you are within the healthy range and feel good, stick to that weight.
  • tansyg
    tansyg Posts: 25 Member
    Everyone knows Body builders and extremely muscley people are one of the main exceptions to the BMI calculations. It is common sense. BMI does have its place as a fast way to see if someone is a healthy weight. Dietitians/Doctors will not just look at BMI, they will look at the person,do a body fat test and use their common sense.

    It is a bit silly to say, I am full of muscle, BMI does not work for me, it is useless, you should ignore it too.
  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    I was looking at my BMI and it states that for my height I should be around 130 lbs. I couldn't believe it! In my opinion, If I was to be 130 I would look too skinny for my body type! Does anyone agree that BMI calculations are unreasonable??

    i agree i think they're weight 'suggestions' are to low for me as well. i've had them tell me i could go as low as 104lbs. as an adult i've been as low as 115 (not now but before i had kids) and to be honest i did not look healthy. i look very unproportioned i still had boobs and hip with a very tiny waist. a few years ago i had gotten down to about 140-150 and i was comfortable there. it's where i'd like to get back to.

    i think people need to be at a weight that is healthy and comfortable for them and not worry so much about what BMI website says they should weigh.