Working moms, how do you make time???



  • aportillo8
    aportillo8 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm on the same boat... totally feel guilty taking time to exercise and if I have them take a nap then they want to be awake all night! HELP!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I am a mother of 4 and I tend to work out early in the morning, I used to hit the snooze button myself but I took a full body picuture and put it on my alarm clock so when I hit Snooze that is the first thing I see. That is motivaiton enough for me.

    Great idea. I have a before pic of myself on our snack cabinet.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    OP, I could have written your post!!

    I'm a teacher at a middle school, so I try to do a workout during my planning time, and then I take home my's easier to do that on the couch when the kids go to bed than try and fit in a workout. If it's nice, I'll go for a walk...

    I'd love to get get up early, but I just can't do it! Good luck to you!
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    I work full time and have 4 kids. My kids are all middle school or older. I walk during my lunch break or while I am outside with my class at work and then as soon as I come home I do another 30 minute workout. My kids are still doing homework then. They know that is what the routine is now. They will usually talk to me while I work out, although it took them a little while to learn0 that I can't talk (too out of breath), but they know I am listening. If I ever sit down that is it, no way does the work out happen, so I just don't sit down! Good luck finding something that works for you.
  • SunSand76
    SunSand76 Posts: 83 Member
    I hear ya, I do. No easy answers :(
    I work full time too and have 2 girls. I was working out right after work, headed straight for the gym. But this last couple of weeks I've been going before work. It means I do have to get up a bit earlier, my workouts are shortened by 15 minutes so I also have to work harder, and I have to be a bit more organized so that I can just come home from the gym, shower and get ready for work. But I have to say it's worth it, and it's nice to have my evenings back. There are lots of days when i so would rather sleep longer, but I want the weightloss even more :D

    good luck, you can do it! Hope you find something that works great for you.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I'm a widowed mother of 2, I get up at 5.30 most mornings to ride 30 kms before work, and once a week to go to the gym. I also walk with friends about 20 mins at lunchtime. As my children are a bit older, I will sometimes get home from work, put the dinner on and then go for a walk before it is ready.

    Don't ever hit the snooze, once I am awake, I get up straight away, otherwise you lie in bed arguing with yourself. Get all your gear ready the night before, as by the time you have jumped out of bed and got in your clothes you are just about woken up and there are not excuses. Helps if you have roped someone in to exercise with you because then you will have guilt in leaving them in the lurch if you don't go. This morning I totally didn't want to get up, it was pitch black and cold outside, but once I was up I felt better, and knew I would be letting my friend down if I didn't go.

  • Badunkadunk_Buster
    Badunkadunk_Buster Posts: 184 Member
    I hate mornings too. I won't get up and work out before work, it sounds like a good idea, but come 5am, It's a no go for me. Not only am I a working mom, but I am a single working mom that puts in 50+ hours/5 1/2 days a week. Sometimes I find it hard to fit in a load of laundry, the grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning etc etc. I know exactly how it feels to be spead so thin and taking time away from my son is not an option. I signed up for the gym, but after being gone 12 hours a day, I couldn't put him in the gym daycare for another hour, it just broke my heart. I go for a long walk during my lunch hour and go for a family bike ride after work. I also do 30 day shred, it's only 20 minutes, I do gardening in the backyard and he loves to help me, he does the wii fit or zumba with me too. If I don't get a lot of exercise in, I don't beat myself up over it, I can only do so much and some days, I just choose to build a legos house instead of working out.
  • Kstewart8404
    I dont know how old your girls are, but I have a 6 year old and he actually LOVES going to the gym with me. We go together when I get off work. I found an amazing gym that is super child friendly, has an awesome daycare area, and also has a child pool. I made a deal with my son, he gets to swim twice a week and once on the weekend and he is happier than can be. I dont know if anything in your area would allow that, but its the best (selfish) thing I have done in a long time!
    **Also, I am a single mom. I know ALL about the guilt feeling.... BUT, if we are not happy, they are not happy. ;) And, you'd be setting a positive example for your girls. I am sure they would be proud, and thankful that their mom wants to stay healthy.

    Good Luck.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I was asking the exact same question a few weeks ago, and making every excuse under the sun to NOT wake up early to exercise. Once I accepted that it's the only time I can realistically squeeze it into my day, I just have to decide to do it. It's always a choice, and I admit, I don't always follow through on the plan, but I'm getting it done at least 2x/week, and trying to get to 3.

    You CAN make it work, whatever plan you decide you follow. :)
  • marissamd
    marissamd Posts: 11 Member
    I made my commute my workout. I get off at a Metro stop about 1.5 miles from my work, and stretch while I ride the escalator up. :happy:

    I then power walk (about 4.5 mph right now) to work. I wear a t-shirt and bring a work shirt with me and change when I get to the office. I do the same thing on my way home, so I end up power-walking 3 miles a day. I figure once I get the hang of that, I'll make the walk longer but for now this is good for me.

    After my son goes to bed (he's 2 and a half almost three so it's early) I do an hour of yoga while my husband plays video games. :laugh:
  • busybee33
    busybee33 Posts: 8 Member
    On the weekdays I do my excercise when the kids go to bed but im a thirty to forty min girl, nothing longer or I lose interest. On the weekend I do a twenty min morning and a thirty min night.....most Sundays I take off . If i get lazy I tell myself IM WORTH THE SMALL AMOUNT OF TIME TO GET HEALTHY.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    I am lucky enough to have a biological clock that wakes me up.
    I usually go 2 - 3 times during the work week before work and my husband is gracious enough to take kid duty to get them off to school.
    on the weekends my gym opens early enough that I can usually go before everyone is really up and about. But we have also made my caloric output a game in my family... so weekends bring ideas of family activities that enable mom to get her burn... whether it is a basketball game, tennis, hike, bike ride, exploring a trail.... swimming whatever... my kids have gotten into the mix!

    I personally do not like the gym, but I have set my mind that it is a job for me... something I have to do for my well being and the well being of my family. I figure time away from my kids for that reason not only increases the quality of time I have with them, but hopefully the longevity of time I will have with them.... it is worth the time away for what I and they get in return.
  • michelegbowman
    I completely understand. I am a single mother with twin boys who are four years old and I work full time with a long commute.

    I do it during housework -- I mop the floors with my feet. I put towels under my feet and scrub the floor -- it's aerobic.

    I also take the kids to the park and jog around the play equipment while they swing....

    I have a buns of steel old fashioned VHS tape I play on an ancient VCR when I can't get out of the house.

    I walk up and down the stairs in my house for ten minutes.

    I do squats while brushing my teeth.

    It's here and there and everywhere and it's all very difficult. My house is always a mess and I seem to never get anything done with the kids around. I just do the best I can and try to incorporate squatting instead of bending over -- to pick up a sippy cup. While they watch TV I can get in a few situps...
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    single working mom here. I teach so I have to be at work by 7. I CANNOT get up any earlier. I do the 30 day shred once they are in bed. I am exhausted, but I tell my self it is only a 25 minute committment.
  • JustMichelleB
    I work full time and have a long commute, and am the mother of 2 kids (7yo, 4yo). I already get up at 5:15 to go to work, so the thouyght of getting up any earlier makes me want to cry. So, after I get the kids and get home, I make them dinner, chat with them while they eat, then go work out while they watch tv and/or play for an hour. My kids are night hawks, so I still have a good deal of time in the evenings with them, so this situation works out pretty well. I either do P90X or run (inside on treadmill currently, but outside once weather improces)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I get up at 4 a.m. to workout.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Like I tell my friends and other women that I work with that are have to make the time! I would prefer to do it early in the morning, but sometimes I just can't do it. When I get home I ask my son, "Do you want to exercise with mommy?" He always says yes because it is either Zumba or TurboFire and he feels like he is having fun to. You just have to find little things that work for you and your girls.

    It is not easy working full-time and then coming home and clocking in to "mommy duty", but you just have to make the time to do it...Can you put them down for sleep earlier at night to give yourself even 30 minutes? Then on the weekends...take them to a local park or track and you guys can jog around the park or around the block. Or when you aren't working...naptime is a great time to get a workout in.

    I hope this helps...but I totally know how it feels are strong, you can do it!
  • melandcurt
    I am very fortunate that my new office building has a free gym, so I take a late lunch and run on the treadmills in the afternoon about 3x a week. A couple of nights I'll do a video at home, but it's usually not until 9:30 or so, so I am whipped! I walk with a neighbor on Saturdays or will run by myself while my husband watches the kids for an hour or so. Before I had the office gym, we have a stationary bike in our bedroom (in front of the tv) that I would ride a few times a week, but again, usually not until 9 or 10 at night!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    I walk for a half hour at lunch time during the day and then after I make dinner and get my daughter involved in something I workout for about an hour. I think it would be harder if she was younger and couldn't keep busy for that time. Often she is in the room with me and we do chat while I do my workout.
    Btw, I have NEVER been able to get up earlier in the morning. Tried soooo many times, but it's like the snooze button wants me to push it over and over :smile:
  • mymadori
    mymadori Posts: 28 Member
    I am a full time working mom with four children- ages 15, 13, 7 and almost 2. Getting up in the morning early was just not for me, so I switch it up.

    First, I found a gym nearby that's open 24 hours (I go to Lifetime Fitness)

    I come home, help kids with homework, make dinner, etc....then at 9 pm hubby and all the kids go to bed and I leave to the gym. I get there by 9:15 and workout for an hour and a half. At 10:45, I'm done- but I usually throw on my swimsuit and sit in the hot tub or sauna, and then take a shower, and leave the gym at about 11:30. I am home at 11:45 and in bed by midnight. I get up at 6 the next morning. Luckily, I took my shower the night before, so it helps make the mornings easier too!

    I will be honest and say it kinda stinks not going to bed with hubby, but I only do it twice a week, and get my other exercise in over the weekend. (Hubby and I trade off, he gets 4 hours to go play golf- then I get 4 hours to workout or do whatever else my heart desires). Also, you need to make sure you unwind after the workout (shower, hot tub, whatever), because if you don't, it's really hard to get to sleep an hour or so after working out!

    The awesome thing is that the gym is empty, and it's just so serene to have that time to myself, and then come home to peace and quiet. Sometimes, I'll get home and turn on the tv and stay up way too late, because the peace and quiet is so nice. I always regret that the next day though, because I'm too tired!

    Good luck!!!