Any Food Intake

SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
Striving to eat better has can cause alot of confusion around you at home and at work. I find that alot of people get sometime offended when I make a suggestion after they offer to tell me what they ate today. The excuse that I continuously receive is for example..As long as I am under my calorie count that's all that matters so I ate my fried food and it doesnt affect me. I don't agree with this saying because to me it is the cheap way out. I want to make eating healthier a lifestyle and I take it seriously. I would like to hear examples of foods that are not so good for you but still produce the weight loss results. It's hard for me to believe it and I like proof that IT DOES work to convince me..


  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I've lost 5 lbs still eating fast food. With 140 lbs total to lose I'm starting by learning portion control then I'll phase out the junk and bring in the healthier foods.

    Oh, and I've only been trying to lose weight for just over a week and a half.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Amen there sister.
  • I don't believe it either. The journey is to become healthier not just lower our calorie intake. Eating the same crap just in lesser amounts does not make you healthier.
  • girliegirl1822
    girliegirl1822 Posts: 164 Member
  • bespatter
    bespatter Posts: 73 Member
    That's right! If your 1500 calories today all came from fast food, you might be small, but you can still have heart disease and high cholesterol. What you eat matters when it comes to your health. Being in a healthy weight range won't necessarily protect you from diet-related diseases!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Agreed. I've been eating SO much better since I started this. I've eaten more fruits and veggies in the past 4 days then I probably have in 4 months. It allows for more eating during the day because everything is lower in calories.
  • maurapie
    maurapie Posts: 48 Member
    I definitely agree with you. Sometimes, I will try to justify when I make poor food choices by using that under-calorie logic, but I still feel so guilty about it. I have committed to changing my life, not just eat the same things in smaller portions. Plus, there's no way I'd be able to eat that crap in the same small portions for the rest of my life. And on top of that, even if there is weight loss, there are SO many health risks associated with eating poorly.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    I don't like healthy food... and ultimately I want to be thinner. I exercise regularly now, but as far as my diet goes, I'm practicing portion control. That's not to say that I eat only HALF of my burgers and fries. It may mean that I eat a chicken fajita taco instead of a quesadilla, etc...

    To me, it's all about "Eat This, Not That."

    I'm on your side, though. If those people don't want your input, they shouldn't be sharing their food intake with you.
  • pocha0704
    pocha0704 Posts: 64
    I've made a big change to my diet, but fast food is not 100% gone. Days like today when I nothing available for dinner at home, I had taco bell. It doesnt happen very often but it does sneak in. I did feel guilty about my choices, because I've been so much better before, but I'm about to go for a walk and I am not stressing over my choice today. It's a life style change and each person will change as they see fit. We won't always agree with each others choices, but to each their own.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    I do know that we all are held accountable for our own actions..and by right we all have our days when Fast food is like the only option. I just feel like when you do choose it dont go to like McDonalds and get a Double Quaterpounder when you could have chosen a grilled sandwich..Don't expect results when you are fast fooding it with unhealthy stuff everyday.. I try to encourage a healthier living and with that being said that means if you do happen to skip preparing meals then make the right choice when you have to pull up in that drive thru that is all...Thanks everyone for the comments
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