pregnancy cal intake

Im 7 mo pregnant not sure how many calories that Im supposed to intake my doc never told me how much I should eat. But im getting crap from him for gaining to much weight. Im 7 mo in and im at 147 and when i found out i was at 120. I was told to gain 30-35 lbs. I joined this to keep my eating in check, im drinking alot of water and keeping intake as low as I can go. Im usually at 800-1000 (at the max) for intake not sure what to do my weight hasnt changed in 2 weeks. Not sure what im supposed to do..


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think gaining about 20-28lbs is normal. As you were small to start with you should expect to gain a bit above average weight. I think you are meant to eat about 500 cals more than normal.

    TBH, you are pregnant. People are going to comment on your weight. It seems to be the only time it is acceptable to tell people they are fat. I had it constantly with both pregnancies, and I only gained 28lbs each time, 20 of which was baby, placenta and water. Remember at around now you'll probably start water retaining, so some of the weight will be that. I'd ignore people as much as possible, though. It's very rude for them to comment.

    Just wait until the "Are you having twins?" comments in the last month. That's FUN.
  • jonquilrose710
    How tall are you? I pulled out my pregnancy bible :)

    ........Ok Im just going to give you what it says because I need to get my lil boy a snack. Figure out your BMI from before you were pregnant (pre-pregnancy weight). You can do that online. If your BMI was less than 19 you should gain a total (everything, chub and baby) of 28 to 40 lbs. BMI of 19 to 26 gain 25 to 35 lbs. BMI of 27 to 30 gain 15 to 25 lbs. BMI of 30 or more gain 15 lbs or less! There ya go! This book is called the Pregnancy Bible for a reason!
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    my BMI said between 30- 35lbs is normal, so idk what to do im trying to keep my weight down alot here its just getting hard to make sure im getting the correct foods. its just taking alot out of me to eat 800 cal and work out all the time.. im just so tired. but my doc, is still on me to keep my weight the same for another 2 or so weeks. i wake up starving go to bed starving, and i ask my doctor is this ok he just tells me to make sure im using the right tools and thats the diet hes put me on, i dont eat untill 12 pm. and i stop eating at 5 so, its hard. He recomended me slim fast i look at the online sites it says im to be at 145... that up to 155 is normal for me, so im not sure what to do i was underweight when i found out i was pregnant.
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    Just wait until the "Are you having twins?" comments in the last month. That's FUN.

    No i get ppl saying that for having 7 weeks left im small, or asking me if im 6 mo preg.. and i look at them saying thanks.. so idk whats going on. I was a 5 in juniors and i went up to 9 in juniors this time.. idk
  • jonquilrose710
    Jeez 'ol Petey! I could talk about pregnancy all day, but I think your doctor is, well, harsh. But he/she is a doctor. I was already chubby when I got pregnant and I gained 53 lbs when I was pregnant. Once I was about 18 weeks they had me go see a nutritionist and I had to make a food diary. Which I lied in because I never remembered to log in it lol. But they didn't make my weight gain a big deal at all! They just told me nicely to try to walk. To me, your calorie intake does not seem healthy for your baby.

    I found this on, Hes that doctor from the show 'the doctors"..................

    9. Q. I began my pregnancy more than 20 pounds overweight. Can't I safely diet during pregnancy without harming my baby?

    A. Yes and no. You can "diet" in the sense of changing your eating habits for the better, leaning to eat healthy. But you should not diet to lose weight. An undernourished baby has a higher risk of complications at birth and of delayed growth and development. Here are some safe ways to stay healthy:

    * Establish your basic caloric need-this is the number of calories you need each day to maintain your health. The average pregnant woman needs about 2500 calories per day (2200 to nourish herself; 300 for baby). If your metabolism is high, you may need another 300 calories. If your metabolism is low, you will need about 300 calories less. Depending on your metabolism and exercise level, you need to consume between 2200 and 2800 calories per day.
    * The safest way to control your weight is to increase your exercise. Exercise burns excess fat and when coupled with healthy eating, does not rob your baby of needed nutrition. One hour of low-impact exercise per day (walking, swimming, cycling) can burn off 300 to 400 calories per day. This translates to losing or not gaining a pound of fat every 9 to 12 days.
    * Avoid using food as a reward or as a pick-me-up when you are feeling tired or low.
    * Graze while pregnant. Keep a bag of nutritious snacks nearby to make your less nutritious cravings harder to get to.
    * Trim off all excess fat from foods before eating.
    * Choose foods with a lower fat content.
    * Learn to read labels, choosing foods that are lower in calories and fat

    Interesting! I could go on all day but I wont lol.
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    Maybe ask your doctor how many calories he wants you to eat.....It's hard to know exactly how many to have. My DR said not to focus on calories per say, but to make sure you're eating lots of fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, lean meats and complex carbs as much as possible for meals and snacks. I had roughly 2100-2200 during pregnancy and gained 25 lbs.
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    he told me 1200 or less if i could go less then thats a good thing.. I eat alot of veggies, and fruits, all natural if i can, lots of water things like that for my iron from my slimfast that he gave me. if i feel like splurging i eat a low cal pb and j for lunch . i worry cause i get dizzy alot and thats what happened to me when i was anorexic. so im just concerned about all of this.. i wish i could get a diff doc but its sooo late in the game to do so. my husband is concerned, he said that ive lost alot of weight in my face and arms. I do weight training too, i hate the back fat that ive gotten, so when i do that i eat more greens to get my iron up.. i just dont want to hurt my baby girl... shes my world right now. I was told that i wasnt supposed to be able to have children ( had cancer 2ice) so idk...when i found out i was preg i stopped eating junk food, no caffeen no soda, water decaf teas, all veggies lean good meat.
    i gained 5lb in the first 12 weeks high range but acceptable.
    then i got an lb over for the remainder of the preg so far. my ideal is 145 for right now im at 147.. and i honestly hate going to the doctor
  • jonquilrose710
    Oh my gosh Im so sorry that its turning out like this for you. Seriously and honestly I would just say F you dr. whatever! Well dont actually say it but say it in your head and do what you want. This is the time your supposed to be allowed to get fat! And you dont look fat at alllllllll!!! I don't know any woman who stayed in the target range for their weight gain and every baby turned out perfectly healthy! Honestly I've done a lot of research, watched a lot of birthing shows, and asked my docs a lot of question and Ive never heard of any baby having problems because the mom was chubby! I even talked to my nurses and nutritionist specifically about that when I was pregnant and they said the only reason they want you to gain a certain weight is so the delivery isn't as strenuous on you (because the fatter you are the more out of shape you are usually) and so the baby doesn't get too big which makes the delivery harder. The "risks" only arise when a woman becomes like morbidly obese! I feel like Im going crazy because this bothers me so much.
    Having a baby is supposed to be the most beautiful and amazing thing in your life, and it is! it is especially special for you! You should be spending your time enjoying every kick and every yummy bite of food! It should be fun a mostly worry free! You shouldn't have to worry about your weight so much! You should go try to buy the book the pregnancy bible. It could be your doctor. lol. Well once again Im sorry this is happening to you. I would just act oblivious as to why your weight isnt what they want. lol. I hope everything goes ok! keep me up to date!
  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    he told me 1200 or less if i could go less then thats a good thing.. I eat alot of veggies, and fruits, all natural if i can, lots of water things like that for my iron from my slimfast that he gave me. if i feel like splurging i eat a low cal pb and j for lunch . i worry cause i get dizzy alot and thats what happened to me when i was anorexic. so im just concerned about all of this.. i wish i could get a diff doc but its sooo late in the game to do so. my husband is concerned, he said that ive lost alot of weight in my face and arms. I do weight training too, i hate the back fat that ive gotten, so when i do that i eat more greens to get my iron up.. i just dont want to hurt my baby girl... shes my world right now. I was told that i wasnt supposed to be able to have children ( had cancer 2ice) so idk...when i found out i was preg i stopped eating junk food, no caffeen no soda, water decaf teas, all veggies lean good meat.
    i gained 5lb in the first 12 weeks high range but acceptable.
    then i got an lb over for the remainder of the preg so far. my ideal is 145 for right now im at 147.. and i honestly hate going to the doctor

    you are not eating enough average for a pregnant women is 2000 a day (varies depending on other factors) when i was pregnant with my last child (she's 19 months) i was in the hospital for 5 weeks and they had me on a 2100 cal a day diet.
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    i just worry about her being healthy... so i eat smart. and try to go to the gym 3 times a week.. sometimes only 2.. and no coffee no tea.. water milk and natural juice. but ty.
  • jonquilrose710
    She will be! Your doing great!