Ever hear of IsaGenix?

For all of you wanting to see Quick results, have you ever heard of Isagenix? I'm a HUGE Skeptic of trendy diets, and i know as much as the next person w/ some common sense, that it takes time, effort, and commitment to achieving your goals.

As for this product, i've used it several times, usually 1 or 2 times a YEAR. This is a CLEANSE product. I get the 9 day cleanse, which is pretty aggressive, but they do make a 30 day version. NOTE: I DO NOT SELL THIS PRODUCT, but am truly a believer it in USED Accordingly. There IS NO SUBSTITUTE for hard work and using this awesome tool known as MyFitnessPal!!! So here's the deal:

You cleanse w/ something called "CleanseJuice" for 2 days. It puts you at a very minimal calorie intake (~300 cals a day for the 2 days). The juice has vitamins and minerals. You also get in the kit an Isagenix snack kit (which are basically little wafers) in which you can eat 9 a day. You can also have 9 RAW, PLAIN almonds, Black Coffee (no cream/sugar) and an Apple to help.

On day 3-7, you use a product called IsaLean, which is a shake (~250 cals) for 2 meals of the day, and 1 600 calorie meal of your choice (personally, i like to do a salad w/ a controlled portion of dressing, and something light, like fish). You can take this in any order: Shake (breakfast), Shake (lunch), Dinner- 600 calorie meal. I prefer this route so i can sleep w/ real food in my stomach.

The last 2 days are the same as the first- 2 days of Hell (not gonna lie) in which you are back on the cleanse juice (lots of water throughout btw)

You should excercise as best you can (listen to your body if you are tired though). I personally go on a mission and PUSH myself within reason (run 30 mins at a 5.5 mph pace, then lift weights in the afternoon/eve), but that's me :wink:

For me, i lost 10 lbs the first time, 8 lbs the second, and i'm currently on day 3 of this cleanse cycle (lost 5 lbs so far!!).

Like i said, i'm a SKEPTIC, but am willing to try things if i'm convinced. Well, i'm convinced, and have introduced it to some of my friends. The person i'm doing it with right now lost 17LBS the first time he did it, then 10 the second time (and he cheated a bit on the 2nd try). He is a bigger guy (always been big since he was young) but he loves it!

This is a GREAT way to jumpstart your fitness program, or help if you are plateau'd. Here is the youtube link:

This is from a local news station, and you know the news is always looking for something negative to say about a product, esp diet products.

If you want to try, you can get it from Ilost20.isagenix.com (This person is the rep who intro'd to me) or you can choose someone else (don't want anyone to think i'm pushing a sale.

Let me know if it works for you if you do it!! (xflava30@yahoo.com)


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    My sister has used this w/ good results. Personally, I coulnd't afford it, so I did the Master Cleanse to jump start this whole weight loss process.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    my mom used IsaGenix with good results :)