I gained weight but feel great??? whats going on

kickflip7stairs Posts: 12
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
So when i started this MFP profile i weighed 172 i recently weighed myself again after doing this for a week and weight 175 even though ive been working out like crazy whats going on


  • anharrison
    anharrison Posts: 74 Member
    I have the same problem when I first start. It took me about 3 weeks to notice my first drop in weight. If you're running or lifting any sort of weight you could be building muscle, which can quickly add pounds. If you keep gaining weight, maybe try adjusting your meal plans.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I suspect the "working out like crazy" is to blame. Your muscles tend to hold onto water to repair themselves after vigorous exercise, so you'll have a few pounds of water weight when you start a new exercise routine. The best thing to do it stretch after you workout, stay hydrated, and give it another week for your body to adjust. You won't gain 3 lbs of muscle in a week, that's much too fast. You gain muscle at a much slower rate than pounds a week.
  • I have always been told that if you work out alot you will gain weight before you lose it... I had to remind myself that every year for swimming in HS. I would gain like 5 pounds before I would start going down... but no matter what working out releases great endorphines and you are bound to feel great!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I gained a pound after a week of very healthy eating and high intensity workouts...then the next day weighed again and had dropped nearly 3 pounds...no idea why this happens to us...it's kind of annoying, especially when I look like I've lost weight and feel awesome! lol
  • thanks everyone this is really helpful information i was beginning to worry there for awhile
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