Motivational Aide...

So I am hanging out (hiding out?) at the horse farm before the last big work push of the winter season, and I figured 'Heck while I am here maybe I can put in some time with Rocky' (my neighbor's Belgian) - he and I are both pretty out of shape at the moment, though he has far better reasons than I... Granted I don't know that I trust him enough to take him jogging on the roads with me (He is kind of large to handle if he decides not to follow my lead!), but I am hoping that the general working to get him in better condition will motivate me to get off my butt more and do some conditioning of my own. (Besides, the less of me there is parked on his back, the easier for both of us!)

Anything you all have found to be a good 'kick in the pants' to get going?

The other big one is I have just over three months before I turn 30, and I have always said that I would hit that mark in a passably fit state. (Actually I believe the phrase uttered previously contained references to 'some rockin' abs' and the ability to not have some wicked yoga moves kick my butt! ...and something about running at least three miles...I have never done moderation well.)

So, I guess here's to my first posted goal - though I'd like to say I aim to hit my goal weight in that time, I fear that might be a bit overly optimistic.

-Fix eating habits (stop eating the foods that make me sick...darn you evil waffles/bread products!)
-Begin this 31.March.2011. Continue to behave properly with food through at least 4.July.2011 (No cheating!!!)
-Start running (again)
-Use Gym membership at least once a week (hopefully more like 3x, but baby steps for now!)
-Get Rocky into good enough shape that Monda night drill team does not wipe the poor guy out.
**This one might be tough as I am only in town for another...1.5weeks, but we shall see!**

Ok, there it is. Time to start proving I can do this. ^_^