this big girl needs help.... plz ... 3 questions

Okay few questions ...
1. How or what do I log the 30 day shred?
2. Jumping jacks .... a bra ...sports bra ... shirt with sports bra ...and my boobs are still killing me ...that's three forms of support .... how do I keep them from hurting ....I don't wanna lose em ... I have to hold them down when I'm trying to do a jumping jack....
3. My feet kill me doing jumping jacks arch ... I've tried the shoe sole things tried to tape em but they hurt bad during jumping jacks and when I try to jog .... what can I do .... no shoes during jumping jacks have helped a bit ... or does it go away after a while it normal I doing something wrong ....


  • wannbAhottie
    wannbAhottie Posts: 63 Member
    #2... I had that issue when I started Zumba and Jogging, I had a freind (who runs) suggest a sports bra that was a size or so too small. So I tried on a few and found that if I go one size down it will suck those girls in and hold 'em tight. I made sure I tried a few on so that I found one that wasn't so tight that it hurt.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    can't help you with the jumping jacks as I am still to havy to even consider something that high of impact (already have a bad ankle and a not so great knee ) but for sports bra google Enell- seriously good support
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    What kind of bra are you wearing? I had to special order mine online to get a sports bra that was worth anything. I'm a 40F/G and I jog in this thing without pain, so it should work for you. It's a Glamorise sports bra. The model I have has ten hooks down the front, a racer back, and no wires. I can't figure out what specific model it is from the tag. I was really hesitant to buy a bra without trying it on first, but this thing has been perfect.
  • craftydeb
    craftydeb Posts: 77 Member
    Jumping Jacks in the water is the best way to start something like this...that's what I did, as I've had a knee replacement and issues with my hips...the water makes you more buoyant and little to no strain on the joints. The girls shouldn't be a problem as they will float in the water too!!

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  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Especially with being big, the water is amazing....I used to see my trainer 4 days a week and always pain...Then I started deep water running...loved I do 2 to 2 and half hours lane is amazing...I still don't feel like I could jog but I am burning 24'2500 cals a day....

    We just need to do what works...
    I live in Canada but penningtons is great for support in the bra area with working out...Try to remember if you aren't enjoying it then you will eventually give up on it...

    So find something you love to do that doesn't hurt...

    Sometimes we can't do a lot on the balls of our feet. Like jogging and jacks. If you are having an issue with these things.. Then my suggestion is a foot brace, you can get them at wal mart or any CVS.. Give that a try..

    Bra... 2 sizes smaller in a sports bra helps.. Really depends on how big up top you are.. I use smaller sports bra's and it really helps with the support.. Also wrapping them with a ace bandage helps too...

    I hope my 2cents of advice helps..
  • yuli23
    yuli23 Posts: 89 Member
    oh thank you ladies !!! i tried wearing one size smaller ... i might have to go down one more size ... i forgot my size but i keep trying to squeeeeze into a ddd cause anything over that isnt very cute ... i wanna say g ... but i m not sure ... i shop at layne bryant for bras ...

    the water sounds like a good idea .. i dont have a gym membership :-( i am a little shy about working out in public .... i wish i had a pool !!!!

    i think i am gonna just have to push tru it and keep in mind that its worth it at the end ... but you guys are right if i am not enjoying it i will end up quitting ... so mind over matter !!! mind over matter !!!

    this is the first time i am not liking my boobs ,... lol they are my best friends!!!

    again thank you ladies and i will be googling for that bra !
  • j444
    j444 Posts: 20 Member
    I would log in high impact aerobics, it seems to be about the same amount of calories burned. I googled "calories burned Jillian Michaels 30 day shred" and found a site that totals it to be 503 calories burned an hour, but that is for a for a 154 lb person. I did the 20 minute one one on Tuesday, I am trying to do it on days I don't get on the treadmill....MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME!! The high impact aerobics should be close enough. I hope this helped:) good luck!