5K Run To Do or Not To Do

jonesrob Posts: 4
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Jan 1st I decided to lose 40 lbs before the opening of trout season on Apr 22nd. Major lifestyle changes followed - smaller healtier portions of food, no soda, and of course exercise, my choice Wii plus. Island run and free run are my favorite things to do and have given me the thought that running a 5k run might be fun. I found a couple of runs locally on the web that only allow me about four weeks to get it together. I've walked 1.5 mi. and then ran it back it wasn't like the wii. I then tried to interval 7 mins walking with 1 min running, pace still to fast, again not the wii. Today go for broke, walked 3.1 mi and ran back 3.5 mi in 40:51mins felt good. I was determined by the first two results that I wasn't leaving it all out there and that wasn't going to work. And now I can run a 5K race? I have now lost 46lbs and1 lb away from my first goal weight, but I'm still pushing 226lbs of my butt down the road. Just not sure.


  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Of course you can. Do it for yourself and if 5k is what you want to do, do it. You will feel great for it. I signed up for charity race in july, so have a bit more time, which is good as I'm only half way through C25K and can't imagine I would be ready in about 4 weeks. Well done.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    You can totally do a 5k right now. You may not be able to(or want to) run the entire thing, but trust me, you will feel amazing at the finish line! I cried at the finish line of my first 5k, it is such a great feeling! And it will help you along. Good luck!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Absolutely! Sign you butt up right now for the race, and don't let yourself over-think it for a second. Keep doing the walking and running like you are now and on race day you're going to have a fantastic time!
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    wot is the slogan for nike....."just do it"......i reckon you will be fine. im going for a 10k in about 6 weeks and ive only just got up past the 5k the last couple of weeks....just keep pushing yourself that little bit more each day...you can do it
  • jonesrob
    jonesrob Posts: 4
    UPDATE: Apr 10 strained my knee 2.5 mi into a training run I tried numerous home reamedies and knee supports to no avail and on the 20th relented to visit the Doc (traveling 30 mi. one way in a snow storm that dumped 8 " of the spring white stuff) only to find out that I have Arthritis in my knees. To say I'm pissed is an understatement so now I have to strenghten my legs before I try running again. I'ts real HELL to know in your heart that you can do it just to end up with an anchor tied to your *kitten* and to start all over. At least I'm still losing the weight.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh man what a bummer! I'm glad you got yourself to the doctor, though.
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