Cant be bothered or just lazy......

DaisyMoo86 Posts: 43
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Im making excuses not to exercise and i cant snap out of it :(

ive never been one for exercise, i was a member of a gym then got bored and now with the weight im losing i need to tone but can not find the energy or the time for that matter....

I do like the odd dog walk but i need to do something substantial to tone up my lose skin....

Does anyone else have this problem....

Muchos love


  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I did this for years and it made me sick. High BP etc. I finally decided I didn't want to die. I need to be here for my 11 month old son. That was my motivation. Basically, you just have to do it. MAKE yourself do it at first. Every time you make an escuse ask yourself why your making it? Really think about it. I hope your able to find motivation. Good luck.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    You can snap out of it, you can find the energy and time.
    You have so much negative self talk happening, no wonder you are finding it difficult to get moving.
  • Lady_G
    Lady_G Posts: 35 Member

    Going to the gym can get boring and maybe the thought of having to make that effort is making you think again. You could always try and do something at home, i.e. an excercise video or an excercise bike. Maybe that way you won't feel that you have to make the effort to go to the gym but you are still excercising. Failing that, you could make some changes in your life style so instead of taking a bus or driving, walk more.

    Good luck anyway.
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    I've mentioned this before but I purchased a hypnosis app called "Raise your motivation" by Glenn Harold. It only cost me £5 so for the cost of a pizza well worth it and I now exercise daily. I just plug in my earphones at night and listen to it when I go to bed and it doesnt matter if you go to sleep as it sends signals to your brain (NLP). I would recommend this for sure. Rick
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    I am EXACTLY the same!!! At the start of any diet i get this mad rush to exercise my *kitten* off then after a few weeks i cant be bothered. I find that spontanious exercise works best for me. i dont think about it all day, i get home after work and do the bits that need doing and have my dinner etc then i realise that iv actually run out of things to do so ill go do a workout. even if its 20 mins on the treadmill or 5 mins of yoga on the Wii its still something.

    Dont forget you dont have to make exercise a chore, if you like cooking then count the time you are cooking or banking for as part of your daily exercise, even cleaning. i now do the housework in my heels because it gives my legs a good workout.

    You do not have to do it every day but just think about how good your going to look when you reach your goal. That should motivate you! :o)
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    It helps if you can find something you enjoy - especially to begin with - as no-one finds it easy to get motivated for a chore.

    Rather than the gym, how about a dance class or Zumba? Or Spinning, Kick Boxing, join a netball team. Even a brisk walk with your favourite music on the MP3. Anything you can look forward to rather than dred.
  • I have the same problem.. I used to tell myself I'll start jogging tomorrow. The best way is to just do it. The next time you want to procrastinate just immediate go do some exercise. Pick an exercise that you enjoy. Personally I find the gym boring and prefer to jog around my neighborhood. :smile:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've decided to do a 10-minute "burst" half an hour before each meal. I eat 5x/day. If I don't do my burst, I don't get to eat. And I will do ANYTHING to eat. haha

    Hope this helps!

    I've discovered that I can keep my heart rate at 160 bpm for a full 10 minutes to burn 100 calories. That means, by day's end, I've burned 500 calories!



    Edit: Here's the calculator:
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    There is so much more to exercise than going to the gym. Keep looking till you find stuff you love doing. Once it becomes less of a chore you will want to do it.
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    I know how you're feeling. What's worked for me is breaking things down into stages. This week, I will focus on walking, and try to walk 20 miles. Next week I will continue with walking and add 2 days of pilates... etc etc. If you set goals, but not huge ones, you might actually be able to achieve them, this is what I need to work on myself, and for the past couple of weeks it's working.
  • chelvid
    chelvid Posts: 12 Member
    I would be lying if I said I loved to exercise but I try to do something everyday. I love zumba so go to a class once a week and am looking forward to be able to do it at home too. I am also on day 3 of the 30DS which is hard work but I like that fact that it is over quickly. I also class walking my daughter to school as exercise as I didn't do this before I started my diet and I walk about 3.5 miles a day to take her and pick her up.

    Hope you can find an exercise that you enjoy
  • lots of good ideas and motivation from you all :-)

    thank you xx
  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    Don't want to sound like a broken record, but the first few weeks i upped my eating and metabolism, my body was full of energy and I actually wanted to go to the gym. 4 months later, when I'm sluggish, a few cups of coffee get me motivated.
    A friend of my wife became a professional dog walker, lost a LOT of weight doing that. Maybe you can walk some other dogs in the neighborhood every once in a while. Plus the WII, spin and zumba classes. I was thinking of doing kick boxing or stomach classes in the gym this summer. one day at a time. working in the garden is also a good workout. A few days in the garden and you'll want to go back to the gym.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I don't like exercise either, never have and I doubt I ever will. I also work fulltime, then there's a husband and two toddlers who want some attention.... So plenty of excuses.

    What I've started doing a few months' back, is going for (very) brisk walks in my lunchbreak, for about 30/40 minutes. I have my iPod with "shape walk" music, which really helps in getting me walking fast. And now that I do this in my lunchbreak, it doesn't seem like so much effort, I don't have to make time for it, all I need to do is bring my runners with me in the car every day.

    I've also joined a pilates class, once a week. It's excellent for toning up and it doesn't make you sweat (much), another bonus for me :laugh:
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    I'm with Rick re Glenn Harold, his cd's are well worth yhe money. I'm currently using his slimming one. But if you hate exercise why don't you do something like a zumba class .
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Im making excuses not to exercise and i cant snap out of it :(

    ive never been one for exercise, i was a member of a gym then got bored and now with the weight im losing i need to tone but can not find the energy or the time for that matter....

    I do like the odd dog walk but i need to do something substantial to tone up my lose skin....

    Does anyone else have this problem....

    Muchos love

    I actually have a blog called "Step 1 - Put on your shoes"...the reason it is called that is because whenever I don't feel super motivated, if I usually put on my running shoes, I'll go do it. I'm not one to hang around the house with shoes on...or socks for that matter. So if I put on my shoes, I usually end up getting on the treadmill or going outside for a run. Good luck!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Every morning I have conversation with myself "No! I don't want to workout! But you'll feel so much better if you do. My legs hurt! I'm tired! Get your butt moving!" About 10 minutes into whatever I'm doing, I forget that I didn't want to do it.

    On weekends it can be a little harder. Luckily my 11 year old turns into my coach and tells me to get moving.
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