New to 30 day shred

randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
ok so i keep seeing this come up so i thought id look at some reviews and i have finally purchased my own copy today....i just want to know that will i actually see results or is this another fad dvd?

I plan on doing this every day for 30 days but i would like to hear peoples sucess stories with this please :o)

Also i hope this isnt one of those dvd which get boring, iv tried a few and i feel that i can lose intrest quite quickly if im not seeing results or feeling the burn from the workouts they offer.


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    ive just ordrered it to, am gonna do the full 30 days:smile:
  • I downloaded it off the internet. its ok,, i know alot of people that did the entire 30 days and only lost 5 lbs. its good for toning and balance and stuff. but its only a 20 min work out. you need to be working out more then 20 min a day to see a difference. theres alot of jumping. your legs are going to be very sore the first couple days.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, Im on day 7 and find it quite hard. Just doing level 1. Going to change to level 2 tomorrow as getting a little bored with it. I havent noticed any results yet except I am starting to be able to do press ups!

    Im slightly worries that I will weigh more afterwards as it seems to be biulding my muscles. I ahvent lost any weight this week, so I will keep going and see how it goes next week. As long as Im shrinking Im happy! x
  • chelvid
    chelvid Posts: 12 Member
    Im on day 3 and finding it very intense although today was a tiny bit easier than day 1. Looking forward to seeing some other peoples results
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm on L2 and just done D7. I've never been one for sticking out DVDs etc and was sceptical of the success rate, but having read (and seen) such positive results (and the DVD was only £5!) I gave it a go.

    Although I'm only 1/2 way through, I'm seeing a huge difference mainly on my measurements - my hips seem to have vanished! I feel stronger and fitter and I'm also sleeping a lot sounder too. Weight-wise so far I've only lost about 2lbs, but I think that measurements are more important for me, as I'm only trying to lose a relatively small amount and generally tone up my body.

    There have been some completely inspirational and motivational stories on here though and if you are in doubt, it would be worth doing a search for them.

    My thighs hurt like hell for the first 5 days, but I kept at it, even though I could hardly walk or sit on the loo! It did get better though, but just thought I should warn you - it seems to be a common complaint when starting out!

    Good luck if you try to do it!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member

    Although I'm only 1/2 way through, I'm seeing a huge difference mainly on my measurements - my hips seem to have vanished! I feel stronger and fitter and I'm also sleeping a lot sounder too. Weight-wise so far I've only lost about 2lbs, but I think that measurements are more important for me, as I'm only trying to lose a relatively small amount and generally tone up my body.

    This is the same for me, im not too bothered what the scales are saying because i bloat easily and will no doubt build muscle, i am more interested in my measurements and how my clothes look.

    Well when my DVD arrives i shall give it a go! shame i work on the 2nd floor of my building and there are no lifts..,i have a feeling my legs are going to be hurting a lot!!!
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