Need som new arm exercises...

I've been going to the gym for years...and have done all the typical upper body exercises...chest presses, rows, pull downs, flies, lateral raises, bicep curls, 7-7-7s (or 21s), hammer curls, tricep kickbacks and pushdowns. I am even embarassed to admit that I own and use the Shakeweight (lol). I lack tone and definition in my arms and I need something new. Can anyone give me some recommendations or lead me to a workout?


  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Doing more exercises won't TONE your arms. Losing fat will.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Add more weight. Add more weight. Add more weight.

    If you want some muscles, you should be using a weight that challenges you. What ever method you choose to use, it should be near impossible to complete your last set.
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    You can't spell "definition" without D-I-E-T.