sensitivity to salt

victoriawil Posts: 21 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I'm not sure if this is related to my training, but whenever I eat something somewhat unhealthy (ie. a sandwich or soup from Pret a Manger) I remain insatiably thirsty for the rest of the day.

Any thoughts? Is this normal, or am I just more sensitive? I've only noticed it really in the last month, which is when my diet has changed a fair amount too.

Maybe I was eating too much salt before?


  • I have the same problem.. and I have no idea why.. my doctor tried checking my thydoid levels thinking that could be it.. but it is normal.. I think, well I know.. I get a ton of water retention from sodium (way more than normal).. I had to go on a prescrition diaretic which has helped.. but I think it is your body screeming to balance you out..
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    Try tracking your salt and MSG intake. I now get headaches when I consume salty food or food with MSG. Thirst is a natural reaction to salty food.
  • imdoune
    imdoune Posts: 17 Member
    I'm the same!! I never ate a lot of fast food / processed food, but when I eat some, I'm so thirsty! Especially with pizza... even an homemade one! I think its pretty normal though, my boyfriend is the same when we eat a salty meal together. Its a sign that your body didnt like what you ate.
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