Hello bandwagon....I'm back again!

Okay, this will be my fourth attempt at loosing weight in the past year. I'm a 25 yr old mom of 2 boys and married for 7 yrs. I've been a nurse for just over a year now. Between work and family I haven't made weight loss the number one priority. I dabbled a little here and there....usually when my husband got on the kick. I've attempted P90X three times. Although it's a great program and my husband seen great results, it just wasn't for me. Now that we have a great home gym going, I'm hoping to become more motivated. In the past 2 weeks I have lost 6 lbs by following my own plan. It's more of a wing it as I go type thing. I mix in a little Kenpo or Cardio from P90X, some treadmill time (so far up to 2 miles in 32 mins) and up to 400 reps on the abcoaster. I've also managed to change my diet to promote healthier eating habits and I'm trying to teach them to my children as well. My oldest has put on a little weight in the past few months and I don't want him to become another obesity statistic. My husband has really inspired me by loosing 42 lbs since January and a fellow classmate from college recently lost over 100 lbs this past year. So the inspiration is there. It's the time management that kills me. This is my first time using this site, so I hope it helps. I've used the community site for P90X, but since it's tailored for that program, I thought I would use this one at the recommendation of a friend. Overall I have a major goal I want to reach, but to help me get there I'm setting little mini goals that I know are achievable...right now I only have 4 lbs to go in 3 weeks to meet my first mini goal.


  • LaJoyT
    LaJoyT Posts: 5
    Hello - I am back with you! After losing 87 pounds 2 years ago the pounds have slowly inched back to +20. While I admit losing 20 will be easier than losing 87 my motivation is just not what it should be.

    My clothes are getting tight and I see things in the mirror that were not there before and I want them gone!

    Know that you are not alone - we can do it!!
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome! This is a Great site with WONDERFUL people to help you through! Good luck to you in your goals I too know we can all do this!! :D
  • mommazrulz222
    mommazrulz222 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! Wow that was a great accomplishment! It's very easy to let the weight slide back on and half the time you don't realize it until you have that moment when you're putting on your favorite jeans and suddenly they don't fit any more. I put on 12 lbs over the holidays and when I got on the scale and realized I was at my heaviest weight even when I went into the hospital to have my oldest son, I decided it was time to do something. That's what I'm here for....support and motivation. I agree that we can do this, with a little determination! Good luck!