Question for the Ladies?

How do you manage energy loss and increased appetite during your TOM? I've been on this website for a week and a half now and like to think I've been going strong, but the past couple of days have been pretty rough. It's harder than normal to get out of bed on time in the morning, I'm dragging during the day, and no matter what I eat, I still feel hungry enough to go chow down on the fridge itself, much less its contents. I've been chugging water and chewing gum in attempt to keep myself from snacking, but it doesn't do much as far as keeping my mind off it. Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    The trick I use is sunflower seeds. It keeps your mouth occupied for a while. For the sweet cravings try the special k choc chip cereal or sugar free choc syrup in milk. If I have a sweet tooth I drink a proein shake.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I did do some extra snacking during my TOM cravings which ending only a day or two ago. I found two new awesome itmes. Quaker quakes (130 calories for 18 quakes I believe) in chocolate flavor and Chex 100 calorie caramel chocolate flavor. Both are super yummy and lower in calories. Other than that, I just tried to exercise more so I could have more food. I did go over a couple of days but I didn't gain any weight either. So, if you try to keep on track as much as possible, I think you'll be fine. Just remember that you'll probably bloat from water weight so don't trust your scale for about a week :smile:
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I find that planning out my meals in advance really helps me from snacking on unhealthy foods, especially on the really hard days. Another thing to do, is keep some healthy snacks around like fruit or nuts, and go to those instead of some of the less healthy choices. I don't know if you have trouble with bloating and/or cramps, but if you do, you might actually want to stay away from gum, because when you chew gum you can swallow a lot of air and make that feeling worse. I find that when I'm not feeling well I have less motivation to make good food choices, so anything to help that might be worth trying.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    cinnamon gum works wonders.

    I also have the 60 calorie Jello puddings for that chocolate craving moment.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Arpund my TOM, I allow myself to eat a bit more food , maybe 200 extra calories a day or so to help get me through that bottomless pit feeling. You are most lkely burning more energy anyway so I don't think it would hurt. As for energy, I'm alway tired reguardless so can't really help you there, sorry!
  • ITTYbitty04
    ITTYbitty04 Posts: 75 Member
    I usually find myself more snacky during TOM also so I usually try to keep crunchy stuff handy. I usually have carrrots, apples, and red and yellow bell peppers. most times I eat them raw bit some times i combine them with peanut butter or a little low cal salad dressing. It seems to help me not eat all the sweet calorie stuff if I always have something to munch on nearby.

  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    Oh yah - the 60 calorie sugar free puddings are AMAZING with some light cool whip!
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    For me, low iron=low energy. As it is, I lean towards low iron counts to begin with, and when Aunt Flo comes to visit, I have to take a supplement to counteract her affects. Gum helps too - right now I have a delicious mint chocolate chip!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Think of it this way - if you get to the gym and burn a few hundred calories, you've earned that extra snack or two. Hope that gets you out of bed and moving!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    I find it helps me to take an iron supplement during my TOM - you're losing iron anyway, so that can make you feel a bit tired. Other than that, a little dark chocolate or some hot chocolate (no cream) perhaps? And keeping nice and crunchy snacks on hand, low-cal crackers, carrot sticks etc. helps fill me up.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    ugh I hate TOM, I just tough through it as best I can :/
  • stinago
    stinago Posts: 19
    usually I have 3 meals per day and 2 snacks of about 100-150 cals. When it's my TOM I also find that I get hungrier or want to eat more. So what I've done is I take about 50-100 cals off each meal and add more snacks throughout the day. So I have a filling breakfast, a smaller (protein and fiber packed) lunch, and dinner. Then I have 4-5 snacks throughout the day. I'm not actually eating more calories, but my body thinks I am because I'm eating more often. I still eat the snacks even if my body isn't "hungry" because then my body thinks I'm super full.