Not New Just Lazy

So, I joined the site in January, downloaded the app to my phone and then just forgot all about it! I'm sure I'm not alone in having done this...made the New Year's Resolution on the 31st and had broken it by the 2nd, lol! I intend to lose 30 pounds in 6 months or less. Since weight loss happens so much easier for me during the warmer months of the year I am EXTREMELY GLAD TO SEE SPRING!

My name is Char and I currently weigh 177 with a goal of 147. I have been as small as a size 0, eating what I want and not even thinking about exercise...of course that was before I turned 25. I have also been as big as a size 14 and probably larger I just refused to buy any clothes bigger than that. Recently, I got down to recent as last Thanksgiving but lack of exercise and eating nonstop put the pounds right back where they were. I don't have any self image issues or sob stories about always having been overweight. I don't care about fitting into a bathing suit for summer or a smaller size. I am getting older and I need to take care of myself, which means getting into a healthy weight. I am confident and love myself regardless of my size and take great offense to people who can only love themselves if they are a certain size.

That being said, I make jokes at my own expense ALL THE TIME and look for the humor in every aspect of weight loss. I need all the support I can get and give all the support I got. I'm in need of some virtual workout buddies with a sense of humor and an abundance of determination. Any takers?