To all you Cereal Eaters out there......



  • amerr
    amerr Posts: 190
    I like Special K Chocolate Delight and Cinnamon Burst Cheerios the best. I always make sure to measure the serving size, otherwise I just fill up the bowl and probably end up with twice as much!
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    Special K Strawberry and Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds are my faves...but I'm trying to cut out those carbs, so even those are off my menu. :-(
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    I love cereal too! I've switched from Lucky Charms to Kashi Strawberry Fields -- organic, whole grain and only 9 grams of sugar and 120 calories per serving (1 cup)! I also really like the Kashi 7-grain flakes, but if you like sweet, go with the Strawberry Fields!

    Def will check out the Strawberry Feilds, I have enjoyed Kashi Go Lean Crunch but lookin to watch my sugar and 9 grams aitn bad :) thanks for the tip :)
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Hi gang! Im starting to like eating breakfast more and more and love cereal occasionally. I think im buyin healthier cereal w/ Raison Bran, etc, when I really wanna buy Capt'n Crunch! lol :bigsmile: Anywho..would like to see what healthy choices everyones eating cereal wise so I can get some healthier not so loaded w/ sugar options:happy:

    Believe it or not, you might as well just eat the Cap'n Crunch.

    Here is the nutritional info for the Raisin Bran:

    And for the Cap'n Crunch:

    You may THINK there is less sugar in the Raisin Bran, but you'd be wrong. The Raisin Bran is 46g of Carbs. Forget about 'sugars'. Simple carbs are all sugars to your body. You can back out the fiber if you want to to get 'net carbs', but that still leaves you with 39g of carbs.

    The Cap'n Crunch has 22.9 g carbs and less than one gram of fiber. Yes, that's right, LESS THAN HALF the carbs in the Raisin Bran. And again, simple carbs are all sugar to your body.

    Wow! Thanks for this... I def am tryin to watch my sugar so I def need to get something other than Raison Bran.
  • Honey Bunches of Oats with Peaches! Even doing two servings has me extremely full and don't need a snack until lunch time. :)
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Thank you ALL of you who responded, def have given me more choices to look at. I do enjoy Kashi Go Lean Crunch, and will also eat Cream of Rice, but get bored sometimes so I found a few thanks to you all to try :)
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    ohhh. How I miss cereal....

    I just can't even handle having it in the house. If I eat it I'll go over on my sugar, carbs, and it doesn't help with sodium. Not to mention I'm horrible with portion sizes.

    I eat a whole wheat bagel thin with spray butter, truvia, and cinnamon instead <3
  • bast2112
    bast2112 Posts: 63
    I really love the Kashi Go Lean! Crunch cereal...that would have to be my favorite...and it's loaded with fiber.

    I'll throw in blueberries or strawberries sometimes...great!

  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    The only cereal I have in the cupboard is Kashi Go Lean. Lots of protein and fiber. And it's pretty delicious! Even my 4yr old likes it!
  • i eat corn flakes and occasionally corn chex, neither one are full of fat or sugar.
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    I like all the Special K cereals some are with berries some are with chocolate and one is 100calories for a serving. I also use 35 calorie almond milk.
  • I love cereal also its a great afternoon snack, im very careful what to choose though and so instead of buying a cereal that is plain or with lots of sugar Ill buy a plain cereal and put a packet of splenda on top to sweeten it....ive found that kashi, multigrain cheerios and regular cheerios as far as calories goes is the best and low in sugar. :)) along with skim milk
  • deesdigitaldelight
    deesdigitaldelight Posts: 53 Member
    Well I just started so I'm looking at calories and still being able to enjoy something sweet, so my drug of choice right now is "Apple Jacks" and it's only 100 calories (before milk).
  • tifffanyD
    tifffanyD Posts: 44 Member
    I did like Kashi Go Lean until I found out I can't eat it or other foods with Chicory Root as a Fiber additive :(

    So now I eat lots of oatmeal and occasionally Cheerios (apple cinnamon) and special K with red berries
  • Maurey
    Maurey Posts: 44
    at the moment my favorite cereal is Kellog's Just Right. I also like the Vanilla almond special k cereal.
  • doodles80
    doodles80 Posts: 59
    Peanut butter flavour cereal?! I want to move to America!
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    original cheerios with a half cup of chopped strawberries and half a banana!!!
  • I love oatmeal. I buy the oats in the container. Put 1/2 cup of oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl. Microwave for 2 1/2 min. Add cinnamon, 1 packet of stivia and a little milk. You can also add blueberries, raisins or whatever fruit you like. Very Yummy!
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    grape nuts if you can find them
  • Granola cereals are super high in calories...such a bummer. I really love any kind of fiber one cereal....or special K.
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