6 Weeks in

PeaceMe Posts: 53 Member
Hi Everyone! I am kind of new to the site, this is my first post anyway. I love the site and the app on my android! It has been making me really question the content of every food. I have really learned a lot about healthy eating, and it does become a lifestyle change. I have two little ones, 8 year old boy and 3 year old girl. I have been carrying around an extra 50 pounds for the last nine years :( I would love to have friends who can relate and share our victories and struggles.

Ht 5'1
SW 158 November 2010
CW 129.5
GW 110-123 (where ever I feel and look best)


  • momofcole
    momofcole Posts: 18
    I have a 5 and 3 year old. When the 3 year old was born, I weighed my highest ever and realized for the first time ever I was overweight. I did WW and lost 40 lbs, I was running all the time, felt and looked great. Over the past year I've let myself go and 10 lbs crept back on. Not a lot, I know, and I know I look fine. But it's frustrating to have lost the weight and had let some of that hard work go to waste!
    So I've been back on the bandwagon for almost 4 weeks- lost 3 lbs the first week and gained half a lb over the next two! Frustating! I do love this site though, and all the support!
    Good luck to you too! It gets hard when you only have 10 or 20 lbs to loose (and as we have had kids and are getting older! UGH!)
  • 4everm3
    4everm3 Posts: 22
    I can relate I have three kids the first two times I took the weight off like it was nothing. My baby just turned 3 and I have put on more after having her then when I was carrying her. I only gained 18 from her but popped her out and put on about 70.( I know it was because I was 8 years younger) and now I am married and don't go out as much I had a lobar job then and now I am in a office. I just wish it was as easy as it use to be LOL. Don't give up I find that workout videos really help and make you feel better, and I am also walking almost every night. I have been blessed to have great friends to walk with so it makes the time and miles go by like it's nothing. I wish you the best!! I just keep telling myself and all my friends how great they are doing =D
  • fitcounselor
    fitcounselor Posts: 53 Member
    Oh boy, can I relate! I had two little girls and was diagnosed with a thyroid condition. I was always athletic but the weight STAYED on. I tried the gym, I tried personal trainers, but it never stayed off (and when my kids were little, the gym had to become a thing of the past). Then, in 2009, I found Beachbody workouts. You may have seen some of the workout infomercials. I've lost over 40 lbs, and I am more fit than ever and I'm keeping it off. The bottom line is: you have have to find something you LOVE, do it, then do more of it and make it your lifestyle!

    Wishing you nothing but success. Welcome aboard! :smile:
  • PeaceMe
    PeaceMe Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes and good advice! I appreciate all of your replies : ) Feel free to add me!
  • fatman374
    feel free to add me on your friends list here on mfp dont do this alone lol