Not sure how, but I still have belly fat

This time last year, I was 5'6" and about 140 lbs. Now, I'm still 5'6" (hooray for not shrinking?) and 123 lbs. For my height, age, and gender, 123 is at the lower end of a healthy weight. The "underweight" category starts at about 118 lbs. The problem is, I still have a roll of fat on my belly. I'm really discouraged about this and don't really know what more I can do about it. I've always had really strong stomach muscles, so it isn't a matter of increasing muscle there. I've done some searching online and have pretty much just found a bunch of people who say things like "you need to turn that fat into muscle!" Clearly, these people failed their middle school science classes.

Anyway, I'm frustrated and really don't know what else to do at this point. I suppose I could lose another five pounds, but fighting your way back from being underweight is every bit as difficult as losing weight is, so I don't want to go there.


  • BrodiesMom2008
    why don't you try exercises focused directly on the abs/stomach and burning fat in those specific areas, i know there are lots of workout videos or classes you can take that focus on specific's worth a try!
  • ashleighlvschris
    I found a few workout videos on youtube called pop pilates. Its suppose to help you burn the fat on your stomach, mainly the lower stomach. I just started it 3 days ago so I can't say anything result wise yet. I'm trying to fight my baby pooch...
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Well done on losing the weight to become healthier. I am where you were last year.I am 144lbs at 5'5". I have belly issues as well.Can't get rid of my overhang no matter how many crunches I do. I do hope I look good at 123 pounds though.

    I guess I'd say keep trying to strengthen your abdominal muscles and that should help reduce the flab in the area. If you find the secret please let me know:)
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    I haven't gotten to where you are yet, but the best idea I can come up with after all the plans/routines/tips/tricks I've heard/seen/tried (lol) is to focus 2-3 work outs a week (30 mins or so) on your core, and to vary those workouts IMMENSELY! From what I understand good old fashioned sit ups don't get you very far, so adding calisthenic-type exercises (using medicine balls and those big workouts balls) will allow you to work all the different parts of your core. I would google as many different core exercise as there are that interest you and continue to add new ones to the routine to change it up often. Hopefully some dedicated time for your core and some new all encompassing moves will do the trick!
  • lovensunshine
    lovensunshine Posts: 11 Member
    Your body fat percentage is still too high, even though you weigh very little. What I would suggest is to lift weights for your whole body...legs, arms, back, etc, so that you gain more muscle mass. That way, your weight will stay the same, maybe even higher, but your body fat percentage will go down. Watch your body fat percentage rather than your actual weight.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Sparktika has the right answer. Build muscle by lifting some weights.

    While you're right that you can't "turn fat into muscle", what you can do is burn away the fat by building more muscle. You need to change your body composition, and I think that's what people mean when they say "turn that fat into muscle" even though it can't be done in a literal sense.

    Also, you can't target specific areas for fat loss. Your body will burn fat in whatever areas it wants... You can tone up the muscle in a specific area like your abs, but you can't specifically target the fat in that area.
  • countrygirl_717
    Make sure your diet is in check. Eating the right kind of calories, not just food to fill up your calorie levels for the day. Nutrition is key when it comes to losing around the middle. We can exercise all we want but that fat roll won't go anywhere until we tweak our nutrition and eat to get lean!
  • kvbushman
    kvbushman Posts: 14 Member
    My plastic surgeon told me that sometimes you can't lose the overhang on your tummy because it is the skin that is stretched not fat. He also told me that after having a baby, your muscles separate and that can give you a pooch and the only way to fix it is to attached the muscles back together! I confirmed this with my family doctor!