heartrate monitor with or without GPS - what do you recommen

I am looking to purchase a heart rate monitor to help improve my workouts. I enjoy running and biking and have been known to participate in various running/biking events and want to get back into them this season.

I'm a bit torn if I should buy a HRM with GPS (like the Garmin 305) or a more simple HRM (like a Polar FT7).

Any suggestions?
Are there alot of real benefits to the GPS?


  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Do you have an iphone or a smart phone of any kind? If so, there are running apps that use your phone's native gps to track runs. RunkeepPro is a good one. If you don't and want to track your runs, get a Garmin. I own a Polar FT7 and love it. I use my phone's gps to track runs.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Yes, if you don't have a smart phone with one of those apps, then get the GPS! It really helps to track distance, pace, etc.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Garmin 305 is awesome. Amazon has it for $128, free shipping
  • silverlil
    silverlil Posts: 70 Member
    deffintely garmin GPS, anyway you do running and biking, and its great for outdoors. I bought my a year ago and now i cant find it:explode:
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I use the Garmin 310XT. The nice thing about the gps is that you never have to measure the distance of your course again. Run or ride wherever you want and your distance, pace, HR, and time are all automatically calculated. With the Garmins, you can also download each workout to the Garmin Connect website and get lots of neat graphs. It is a data geek's dream come true. :).

    Different models of Garmins calculate calories in different ways. Some go only off pace and distance and others use the data from the HRM. Also, some of the newer Garmins use a much different calorie calculation algorithm than other HRMs and record a lower number of calories burned.

    Well done reviews of the various Garmins are here: http://www.dcrainmaker.com/p/product-reviews.html
  • jmminmn
    jmminmn Posts: 28
    Thanks for all the advice. I think I might go with the Garmin.