So hard to stay focused...

KELM0710 Posts: 147 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Why is it so hard for me to stay focused on doing this..I wish I was dropping weight like everyone I read about. even if it is a pound of even half a pound a week. Just would like to see constant numbers going down.

I havent worn my size 14 jeans in a few weeks because its been too hot but today I was kinda chilly from all the rain outside so I put them on. OMG they are snug like my 12's used to be. It about broke my heart...

I know I have crappy eating habits..Trying to change that..Anything else I can do? Should I do the shred 3 times a day? Is there stuff I can eat thats healthy and filling thats overall pretty cheap??


  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    Maybe try making one change at a time. You could try to focus on drinking more water. I think that is the number one key to weight loss. You can do it. Keep coming back here every day. Log everything you eat even if it is over your calorie limit. You can do it!! We are all here for you!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I checked your diary - my suggestions

    1) drink lots of water
    2) ditch the sodas, red bull etc. (its amazing what just that will do)
    3) small changes - especially to healthier snacks.
    4) confirm your daily caloric goal is accurate - seems awfully high to me.
    5) Your meals themselves didn't look too bad
    6) don't quit - you can do this!

    keep it up!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    You sound like you're overwhelmed and don't know where to begin. Is that a fair assessment?

    I would suggest that you identify one thing, just to begin with, that you could improve on. You can use your food diary to help you. Some examples of areas where many people find they can make small changes that have big benefits:

    Do you exercise regularly? Adding some form of regular exercise to your routine can help to stop the scale moving upward and/or start it moving downward.

    Are you drinking a lot of calories? If you find that you're drinking several hundred calories every day (sodas, Starbucks, whatever), you could focus on replacing those beverages with water, black coffee, or other less-caloric drinks.

    Do you eat out constantly? If so, focus on making better restaurant choices. Look at menus and decide before you go what you're going to order, so that you're not tempted to get the highest-calorie dish on the menu.

    Do you snack too much (this is my biggest problem)? If so, commit to recording ABSOLUTELY EVERY BITE THAT GOES INTO YOUR MOUTH, and snacking will become such a hassle you'll cut back (anyway, that's how I did it :ohwell: ).

    You may find that it's something else entirely that's packing on the pounds; if so, focus on that. But try to start by changing just one thing, and then when that change is solid, start working on something else.

    Good luck!
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Maybe try making one change at a time.

    I second this!

    I'm a list person. Here's something like what my list looks like:
    GOAL: To be in the best shape of my life by the time I'm 30
    Dec. '10: Reduce portions, cut out sodas and juices (still had/ *and have* my morning cup of joe); drink only WATER!!!
    Jan. '11: EXERCISE - do SOMETHING! Commit to exercise at LEAST 1-2 times a week (I know, talk about low expectations, right?)
    Feb. '11: Continue w/ exercise and focus on NUTRITION (read a WHOLE lot and LEARNED a whole lot, too!)
    Mar. '11: Slow it down a bit (this past month, I played around w/ my settings - up'ed my calories and continued to exercise)
    Apr. '11: - *still mulling this over but, possibly starting Couch to 5K running program?? -

    Each month, I'm focusing on tackling SOMETHING! - just one thing, really. I've heard/read that anything you continuously do for 21 -30 days, will become habit. I'm looking for the whole being healthier thing just be second nature to me...someday! :-)

    At first I wanted the weight to melt off - I admit, it's definitely a boost when you can notice (and others can, too) changes in your body. But, I'd much rather lose the weight slowly so I am challenging myself to simultaneously work on weight management! (I intend for all this hard work to be PERMANENT!) :-)

    Oh, the little login reminders help me TONS! It's almost like celebrating some type of lifestyle/diet "sobriety." I'm over 85 days in now - can't turn back! :-)

    - Edited to add my stats:
    HW: 256lbs. (Nov. '10)
    SW (MFP): 238lbs.
    CW: 214lbs.
    GW: reach 185lbs. then reassess.
  • lovensunshine
    lovensunshine Posts: 11 Member
    Maybe try making one change at a time. You could try to focus on drinking more water. I think that is the number one key to weight loss. You can do it. Keep coming back here every day. Log everything you eat even if it is over your calorie limit. You can do it!! We are all here for you!

    This. I've learned over years of dieting that the only thing that really works is changing habits. Dont do anything that you don't want to do for life. Change habits one at a time. For example, cut out soda, then no eating after dinner, then high protein breakfast, then add daily exercise that you enjoy. Eventually, you will have a healthy lifestyle.
  • siurzua
    siurzua Posts: 62 Member
    I appreciate this so much!! It really does makes sense, my life can be so stressful at times that all I want to do is quit! But I never tought about ONE thing at the time, I just wanted to learn and know it all to do it right (no wonder I was getting stress about this,lol)

    I will try to focus at one thing =D

    Thanks again!!
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